The morning Sun
Some lovely sunrises tis weekend in the morning coffee spot.

I do love me some Edgar Allan Poe. The Netflix series Fall of the House of Usher is quite a trip. The psychological manifestations of big pharma's cruel Usher family twists their minds in a very interesting thriller. The acting is excellent. Bruce Greenwood was incredible, Mark Hamill impressive as the devious Pym and Carla Gugino as the devil - was very chilling. It is plenty creepy and there are many tips of the hat to EAP. The story and script also impressive. (And a lovely shot at Tr*mp. ahaha!) That ending too...the fall...Cah! Cah! โญโญโญโญยผ

Looking good in new unis!
Another great week for ball hockey. Well, our game anyway. The bossman was ill so Mo & I took on a greater role to get the games going. We continue to roll as a team. I had one of my best games ever. I think I had 6 or 7 points - both goals and primary assists. We won pretty handily. The second game was closer and more contested. Regrettably, a few players went too far and played too aggressively. It is going to be addressed.
Wow! Forge won the CPL title. That olimpico kick to win, incredible.
I think I bagged 10-12 bags of leaves. Ugh. It looks like there are still tons yet to fall as well.
Body was pretty stiff after hockey and yard work. A looong soak in the hottub was pretty soothing.

Also enjoying vampires and undead in Netflix anime Castlevania: Nocturne
It is a shame iPhones are crap at night photography. There was an incredible moon dog Saturday night.
I've also been trying to get into Stoneshard. The pixel art is gorgeous. The gameplay is deep but wow... it is tedious to advance. The saves are location based so... you die anywhere else, you seem to lose pretty much everything. I want to like this game but curious game restrictions are making it impossible. Sigh.