It is incredible to think of the two paths the U.S. is choosing between today. They couldn't be more different. The futures they offer are black and white (no pun intended) in comparison. One is unity, love, progress the other lies, hate and division. The scariest thing to me... regardless of the outcome, is how close they are in polling. So regardless of the outcome...It is clear that close to half of Americans still support this type of vile rhetoric. That, in my opinion, is the biggest issue facing the U.S..
Maybe putting money and success on such a lofty national pedestal wasn't such a good idea after all. The basis of capitalism and some human's inherent greed has perpetuated the corrupt party that the Republicans have become. They sell out to whomever for the almighty dollar. The party stands for nothing anymore. They will flipflop policy and change course for the most profitable option without hesitation. Their supporters absorb a constant stream of hateful vitriol that they never question. Often referred to as a cult. No wonder! Yup... In resent years, you've heard that this is the most important election ever a lot... Probably because it is true. As Tr*mp and his sycophants have eroded the respect for law and decency during the past decade...the implications have certainly become more dire over time. Now, if elected, Tr*mp boasts of all the deportations, jailings and vengeance he is planning as part of his pitch. A policy of hate.
I've watched all sorts of pundits predict all sorts of outcomes today to the electoral college map. Massive blue, marginal blue, marginal red... It is a historic day for sure.
When Tr*mp fails today he'll obviously cry foul because that is what he does. He can't admit defeat. I hope the system can stand up to him one final time. I hope this is the last day we have to hear his name and be concerned he can grasp the authoritarian power he craves. Hopefully the U.S. can turn the page on this horrible period in their history and somehow find a way forward. Find a way to truly become the United States of American. Because looking South from Canada, it sure looks like a divided mess to me.
So time for we the people to step up...time will tell.
Democracy or Fascism - A comparison.
This is an excellent summary:
shocking update
I'm shocked. I'll never underestimate American idiots again. I can understand electing trmp once but, a second time, with full knowledge of what he is? That is inexcusable. I'm hearing he may also control the Senate and the house... the U.S. won't be recognizable in four years. It is going to turn into a hellscape. Today will be noted in history as the day that democracy died.
I fear for women, democrats, law and order, minorities, Ukraine, Palestine, the erosion of decency, the rise of racism, the fall of democracy and four years of unspeakable ugliness.It is going to be a circus. And frankly, Trmp isn't well... I do believe he is experiencing serious cognitive decline and he's a malignant narcissist so.., Buckle up kids.