...a place to bury thoughts

Winter is Coming...

November 5, 2023 @ 10:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

home, ball hockey, Barbie, Winter, Buffalo Sabres, APTBT, War in Gaza

Yes, Winter is coming. But first we have clear out all the Fall...

Yes, Winter is coming. But first we have clear out all the Fall...14 bags worth. And there is more...

So this site is now resolving to unsung.net. I still have a few dynamic DNS sites pointed here as well, but the HTTPS certs are not working as expected. I have the domain. I mine as well use it. *shrug*

After last weeks crazy second ball hockey game, that resulted in some disciplinary action, in a um, co-ed rec ball hockey league (*facepalm*) - this week was perfect. It is really a few bad apples ruining things. Things ran noticeable different with their absences. I don't think it was my best game. We had a new goalie (well, an old returning goalie) and while he has a great spirit he was letting in a lot of long shots it seemed. When you are playing defense and balls are going in all the time you do feel responsible. It was a back and forth game, but we held on to win. We remain undefeated!

I stumbled upon Munich: The Edge of War so I gave it a look. It was an interesting portrayal of Neville Chamberlain as a man who dodged war with Germany, possibly giving the allies time to prepare to actually fight them. The acting was good, the German vs. British sensibilities were a bit cringy at times however. It was also a bit slow to build. Still, a pretty solid war/spy tale. โญโญโญ

Well! The Sabres marched into Toronto and beat the Leafs. I was a little surprised to be honest. But, they kept things close all game and responded with offensive every time they had to... The third was also a impressive defensive performance. So there are certainly glimmers of hope forming in their play.

We did a bunch of yard work to prepare for Winter. I did a fairly through cleaning of the shed. Put away all the patio furniture. There is more to do of course but it was still pretty tiring. We rewarded our toil with a lovely soak in the hottub and split a Whitewater Brewing Co Dark Roast Pumpkin Spice Espresso Porter. The beer was good, maybe a bit understated.

Hey Ken!

Hey Ken!

In the evening, we finally watched Barbi. I've heard bits and pieces of opinions on this film, so I didn't really know what to expect. Well, it was really enjoyable. Funny at times. Poignant at times. I was glad when the musicals stopped and the story started. It depicted different worlds, one the ideal pink and perfect female world and the other the ideal bros and horses male world. It showed both to be very flawed places. Ultimately, freewill and equality ruled the day. Solid performances by the leads too, the impossibly beautiful Margot Robbie and the kentastic abs of Ryan Gosling. The supporting cast was also very good. It was really entertaining. โญโญโญโญ Who would have thought I'd rate Barbie higher than a WWII spy thriller?! *shrug*

It looks like both of my music platforms have gone the path of suck. Spotify is screwing indie artists and Bandcamp is simply imploding due to new management.

I've been watching the only Canadian team in the MLS playoffs, the Vancouver Whitecaps. They went out with a quiet whimper last night generating almost no real scoring chances. Ho-Hum.

We've already managed to wipe out all the good left over chocolate bars. Yes, the coffee crisp and kitkat are gone. The smarties will still be here next Halloween.

It would be nice if Israel was at least honest. They are targeting all and any Palestinians and it is very much about revenge, blood and ethnic cleansing. Hospitals, refugee camps, churches, residential areas... all fair game. One minister even suggested dropping a nuke on Gaza. *Wow* I wonder how much longer the West will continue to support Netanyahu's bloodlust? Even the majority of Israelis want him out of office! Are there any quantifications of the actual kills of the alleged target Hamas? What is really the goal here? Meanwhile the UN pleads for a ceasefire. The situation seems to be well off the rails.

Quality SPAM

Quality SPAM

Ha, this spammer took the time to copy the look of a UPS e-mail... but for some reason tripped on the finishing line and went with an IPS logo. Too bad. I was about to click on it...๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‰

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