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Killaloe Long Weekend

February 21, 2023 @ 10:02 pm πŸ”— Post Link

Geeky, Mystic, Friends, Glow Up, Family, Killaloe

Green Lake

Green Lake

We decided to take advantage of the Family Day holiday and drive up to Killaloe to visit bdot's Mom and friends in the area. It is undoubtedly a lot of driving but fortunately, the weather was decent for the drive up and back. It was a curious weekend where bdot's inner circle of friends all happened to be in the area. The 'coven' as they affectionately refer to themselves didn't meet together however due to timing, so, we had several smaller visits. We met Bonnie and Buck in the new coffee shop in town called Engine House Coffee. It is nice to have a place in town to meet people and grab a good coffee. It was a short visit but was good to catch-up with them. Later in the day, we took the dog over to Jess' place. It led to a chilly walk on the very frozen Green Lake. Snoog was flying and ran the entire time obviously burning reserved energy from the drive up.

A moment of stillness

A moment of stillness

We stayed at Jess' most of the evening. She fired up her sauna and we all took a polar dunk in her lake. That is one way to wake you up! She was a great hostess and even fed us so we didn't have to loop back to town. While at her mom's we relaxed and got onto season 2 of Glow Up. Yes, some of it doesn't interest me but make-up artists do spin into all sorts of media. I did like their creativity and the work for movies and tv. Sure it is a bit of a ding-dong drama but showcasing the behind-the-scenes of their work was quite interesting. We ate a lot of donuts while there.

Long road home

Long road home

Noticed as we were heading out the door that the Ufi beacons were, ONCE AGAIN, isolated. I had no time to look into it. Strangely, we also had our cams go offline for the first time ever as well. Very odd. The flex, easily pumps out enough range if the beacons are down that the cam should remain connected. I reconnected the beacons today and they are instantly back online. So, I have no idea what is going on.

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