So a cold front has descended upon Southern Ontario. It is pretty damn cold. In addition to the bitter chill, winds are blowing snow shutting down road all over the area. Apparently the 400 is a traffic jam with cars off the road everywhere. And Jez, bdot was going into that area. Fortunately, the planned trip was called off.
For as long as I've been playing classic WoW - I've always wanted to play it in Linux. Now that I'm pretty much in Mint 24/7 now, it is one of the few titles I enjoy that I've never got to work. It boots and logs in but gets the same error every time when it tries to load the characters.
0130:err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 7BC62360 "dlls/ntdll/loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 0130, blocked by 0024, retrying (60 sec) It repeats the error a few times then the game stops responding. Sigh. It seems so close but something is missing. I read one forum post saying to update Wine and reinstall - which I did - but I'm getting the exact same result. *shrug*
Shame about Tage getting hurt in the final game before his *All*Star* debut. Hopefully he'll get another chance. Dahlin will be representing the Sabres now. He should have been there anyway...