...a place to bury thoughts

Mother’s Day & Birthday Wishes

May 8, 2011 @ 03:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, friends, home, nIVEK

The yummy coconut cake. Om nom.

The yummy coconut cake. Om nom.

Nivek came over Friday night and brought his electric guitar. We jammed for several hours…most of what we played was somewhat intelligible I think, some of it just horsing around too. It was fun to play with another live musician… My first time!

Seemed like a busy weekend. Saturday we had planned on Mother’s Day in Horseshoe Valley at my sister’s. It was also her birthday, I think she turned 47. *smirk* Before leaving to head north I did a bit *running around*…picked up a hockey stick, cards and a money order for bdot. I’ve never sent a money order. It was quick and easy. We stopped at the Barrie Costco to pick up a replacement outdoor storage chest for the backyard… the first one buckled somehow and will be returned. Anyway…I think the commercial area near the Mapleview exit in Barrie is one of the busiest in Canada during the weekend. It defies logic why we wade into that swarm of humanity… *sigh* Anyway… Costco is an evil money sucking daemon. Saturday was no exception. We could have spend double what we did, fortunately we had to leave, saving ourselves from having to eat Ramen noodle for two weeks. Always so much temptation at Costco…

We gassed up the car in Oro-Medonte. While filling the car a woman asked about Tanga. She said she had a Vizsla before and we compared notes and found Vizslas are pretty similar everywhere it seems. Even bad behaviour like the jumping up… Hmmpt.

It was a relaxing warm afternoon. My BiL just installed an outside fireplace before we arrived. It was really nice and a great centre piece to their backyard. Dinner was delicious steaks and dessert was a monstrous coconut cream cake. I ate a lot. I think I dropped out fuel economy driving home by 18%. Both my sister and mother got an assortment of presents that they seemed to appreciate. We chilled out in front of TV and watched the Canucks lose to the Predators. Ho-hum.

My sister is going in for shoulder surgery tomorrow. I hope she fares well.

More running around today… We are still trying to save our lawn and got more grass seed from Plant Paradise. We talked with the owners there for a while… I think we finally have a plan for this lawn. It will be a process though.. thatching, putting down soil, putting down peat-moss then the seed. This is the last chance for grass otherwise I’m renting a flame thrower. We also got groceries and went to both Canadian Tire and Home Depot. After all that we did yard work for a few hours. I’m pretty bagged now as I write this just before bed. zzzzz.

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