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The Trillium Trail

May 23, 2011 @ 07:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, hiking, The Adjustment Bureau

Trilliums everywhere!

Trilliums everywhere!

After the exhausting day of yard work on Saturday we took it easy Sunday and ventured up to Barrie to spend the day with my sister and BiL. When we called them it was raining, by the time we arrived in Barrie it was sunny and warm. Crazy weather. We met at the Barrie Zoo… er, Barrie Costco, which is like a zoo. The store is crazy busy. We didn’t shop much, just picked up a few flowers. We left Costco without breaking the bank. That rarely ever happens. On the way home we stopped at Starbucks. I tried a new coffee mix they have… Coconut Mocha. I’m sure the coffee purists out there are rolling their eyes… but I quite enjoyed it. Once we got back to Horseshoe Valley the first order of business was running the dogs. We took them on hilly trillium covered trail just north of my sister’s place. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many trilliums in one place. They created a curious white speckled landscape. It was a good walk… I got some decent photos too.

Dinner was JP’s homemade bad ass burgers. He makes them big… I bet they were 7 or 8oz burgers… and they were delicious. Dessert was drumsticks. I’ve forgotten how much a like drumsticks… I think next Costco visit we’ll have to pick some up! Yum!

The evenings entertainment was the movie The Adjustment Bureau. I read the summery of the movie quickly and thought it was going to be like the Bourne movies. It wasn’t. It was still an enjoyable movie. The film has an interesting Sci-fi element known as the adjustment bureau. Basically they maintain the fate of people and keep them on the path designed by the Chairman (read: God). Damon’s character falls in love during a random chance encounter and pursues this interest throughout the movie. This runs against his path and gets members of the AB running all over place. The Sci-Fi/fate stuff was interesting, but this movie was a borderline chick-flick. Still, the acting was pretty strong and I liked the Sci-Fi concepts so… I’ll spin it at ⭐⭐⭐½.

I’ve pretty much given up on the Words with Friends app for Android. It force closes all the time, it loses games, it feels like an Alpha build to me. So, I’ve tried WordFeud and wow… it just works. My username is imdag if anyone is interested in a game.

Off to the Mod Club tonight to see Front Line Assembly. Should be rockin’. Just wish it was on a better night.

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