...a place to bury thoughts

Unity gouge

September 14, 2023 @ 03:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

Gaming, Unity, ChatGTP, Burning Body, Ukraine

Here comes the unity cash grab

Here comes the unity cash grab

Huh. One of the biggest available platforms for game developers is Unity. Today they decided to start gouging game developers with crazy per-install costs. ($0.20 per install!) This may put many indy dev houses out of business. What a freaking shame. The stats gathered as proprietary - sure we'll trust Unity - Sigh. A game re-install is another charge. SOG with a great take. He suggests alternatives like the open-source Godot. From what I've read - the greedy new CEO is responsible for this change in direction. MUST MAXIMIZE PROFIT after the company had their IPO. He must be attending the same courses as Elon on How to Ruin a Business in Under 30 Days...

digging your own grave looking for gold

More takes: Lost Relic Games. From the LRG video: Insert Credit

Oops my HTTPS certs with misconfigured. I think they should be good now.

Ha, using ChatGTP is like having a faster, personal stackoverflow at your command. It is helping me immensely recode my blog.

Yes. Mulch Mountain finally reduced to nothing.

Yes. Mulch Mountain finally reduced to nothing.

Moving the mountain was pretty hard on the body. I'm glad it is done. Hopefully it will reduce the weeds for a few years.

We finished Burning Body tonight. A real-life Spanish murder/drama. It took a few episodes for me to get into the series, but the leads are pretty convincing in their roles. Úrsula Corberó as the manipulative seductress and Quim Gutiérrez as the lover and fall guy. It was also interesting to see how Spanish court differs from ours. It was a pretty good mini-series. ⭐⭐⭐½

Pootin so desperate he is talking to North Korea. What an embarrassment. Is this clown ever going to stop?

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