...a place to bury thoughts

Cottage Time

August 1, 2023 @ 07:08 pm πŸ”— Post Link

Gloucester Pool Cottage, Family, Dogs, TFC

Down by the Water

Down by the Water

We got home Sunday from a few days the the SiL's cottage. We watched the SiL's dogs while they were visiting family in Niagara and shopping in the U.S.. The weather was all over while we were there... One day it was so hot, humid and muggy that we just sat around in the shade. Doing anything at all felt like walking through steamy quicksand. The dogs played all the time. Chasing each other around, playing 'bitey face' and hunting. Yes, once again the Vizsla hover over the rocks for hours waiting for any signs of chipmunks.

Watching. Waiting.

Watching. Waiting.

Always watching. Focused. Ready. Sentry Vizsla on duty.

Ran out of vertical space :D

Ran out of vertical space :D

One afternoon we had a boat ride and little mid harbour swim. The water was lovely and refreshing. With some stupid hot days, we did spend some time inside. I rekindled my ancient love of LEGO and built a 7ft tower! It didn't fall until destroyed by the nephews. A pretty quiet few days away.



90 day personal best today. :D (I think all time is about 20-30s less)

I was have some issues with Nvidia driver 535 on Linux Mint. A bunch of steam games simply stopped loading. They have been fine for months. Normally I would just revert to the previous driver in driver manager but there was an error. Had to do a sudo apt-get purge *nvidia* to wipe out the corrupt? defective? installed driver then I was able to reinstall 525. BG3 comes out tomorrow so sh*t better be working!

UGH. This TFC season has been awful. Disorganised. Without quality. The teams so-called Italian saviours are complete busts. They are near the bottom of the table... and today they have traded my favourite player Richie Laryea to the Whitecaps. I just don't have words for how management is destroying this club. Feels like the Sabres all over again. Sigh.

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