...a place to bury thoughts

Stewart is ride on

June 13, 2019 @ 08:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, Caledon, politics, Glitter & Gold, John Stewart, St.Louis Blues

Ride on

Ride on

There was a huge turn out for last night’s CCC ride in Palgrave. A lot of new riders riding at the lowest 2 level. So many in fact, the rides needed to be divided. Well, bdot stepped up and led the ride. Unfortunately, one rider had a bike without suspension for a Mountain Bike ride (*eyeroll*) so the ride had to be mostly double track. While this was a bit disappointing, any ride in a forest, in warm Spring weather is delightful and the leader did a remarkable job designing something suitable. Great night.

Strava from last night

Strava from last night

I thought this speech by John Stewart was incredible. It underscores the disdain I have for the hypocritical, self-centred U.S.A.. There are some lovely Americans but as a nation, the U.S. is crap, but their love for themselves certainly tries to make up for this. How is the U.S. government has ignored these brave men and women is absolutely criminal.

Blues win

Blues win

I guess anything can happen in a Game 7 when you are playing for the Cup. I certainly expected Boston to win at home. A goalie can steal a game and Billington did. St.Louis won their first Cup! I’m happy for MVP ROR. Trading him sure looks bad now, but at the time, he didn’t want to be in Buffalo, so he had to be moved. So now Buffalo and Vancouver are the oldest clubs without Cups. Sigh.

Game six tonight. Go Raps. I think they will win tonight. But I’ve been wrong before. It will require everyone making their shots and no 25% from the outside if they expect to beat the Champs.



David’s Tea cancelled one of my favourite teas.

One of Bdot’s uncles-in-law is in a serious condition in the hospital. We are hoping he recovers soon.

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