...a place to bury thoughts

Adding some organization

June 24, 2019 @ 08:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019, Operation Red Sea, The Wolf’s Call

The beautiful brisket

The beautiful brisket

Bdot was away this weekend up in Picton doing some wine tasting with some friends. I used the weekend to get done a ton of errands/housework and build a workbench for the garage. Well, to be clear, I assisted my Brother in Law who built it. The garage has been where clutter gathers, pretty much since we bought the house. There was never a central unit to organize things. So we are very happy to have had JP’s help this weekend to create this massive unit. It was custom made to fit the space, exactly, did I mention JP is an engineer? There is an outlet in the garage for the central vac and the workbench fits in beside it perfectly, literally within millimetres! So for around $150 bucks in materials and 4h of know-how, the garage will become significantly more organized. There are massive tote boxes at Costco, JP said 4 should fit under the shelf. So there will finally be a place for all the garage stuff in the near future. Ahh. It was a nice visit with JP to. We enjoyed Fish and Chips and a few pops before he took off. Again, thanks for your expertise!

When I wasn’t getting groceries, cutting the lawn, BBQing, doing laundry, dropping stuff off at recycling, or doing housework I enjoyed a few movies. I usually watch films I would expect Bdot wouldn’t watch. I found two really good foreign war films: French: The Wolf’s Call and Chinese: Operation Red Sea. Wolf’s Call was a well written Sub Thriller about France’s response to a hostile nuclear attack and its response. I won’t spoil the plot but the twist causes an incredible chain of events. I really enjoyed it. It was tense, well acted and unfolded in a captivating manner. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The second film, Red Sea, was much more of an action film focused around a series of missions by a Chinese Commando team. Lots of guns, explosions, melodrama and China being the good guy. It was a solid action film. A bit over the top at times but enjoyable. ⭐⭐⭐½

Sports! I also watched a bunch of soccer. Some great World Cup matches marred by VAR calls. I understand the need to get the call right, but the delays and inconsistent use of VAR is going to be the legacy of this World Cup. You have no soul if you didn’t feel for the Cameroon Women. Also very happy to see the miserable Brazilians lose. Most yellow cards of any team playing. *eyeroll* Canada also crushed Cuba 7-0! in the Gold Cup. Canada’s most impressive international win ever.

World Cup Over for Canada. Canada disappointing at the World Cup. Sinclair certainly not creating much with her chances. Her years looking like they have caught up with her. Missed a PK in a one goal win for Sweden. Brutal. Hopefully, France beats the States.

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