Not sure even McJesus can save them
Well the Oilers are up against it now. They put up a good effort last night but the Avs are pretty damn good. With the Avs up 3-0 the hopes of the last Canadian team left in the playoffs is looking bleak.
Friday night ball hockey was poorly attended. We usually get three teams playing but only had enough players to field two teams. That said, it was easily one of the most fun nights of ball hockey I’ve played. Many of the ‘take it a bit too seriously’ guys were gone and it quite noticeable to me. Both goalies played amazing and our team (who mostly did show up) looked pretty good. It was another good night.
I had Strawberry Whipped Cream cake for breakfast. So yaye!
It is (gasp) the seventh anniversary of my Dad’s passing. Sure seems like a long time ago and a lot has changed since then…
Steps to grow a lemon 1) Remove one seed from a lemon 😛 2) Soak the seed in water for an hour 3) Cover the seed with a wet towel – fold it over a few times to make it smaller 4) Put the towel/seed combo in a ziploc bag 5) Place it somewhere dark (like a cabinet) for a week. 6) After a week, you should have a sprouted seed! 7) Plant seed in soil in a small pot and water it. 8) Cover the top of the pot to create humidity (such as a cut off plastic container) 9) Soon it will become a seedling. When it is 12 inches tall, replant it in a bigger pot (or outside if you have a suitable climate) 10) Care for your lemon tree!
ha, tried this and it did not work for me....was from an Insta post which is curiously gone. *snort*

So good
Bdot was at RATS most of Sunday and brought home some incredible baked good from Terra Cotta Country Store.
The gaming press just destroying Activision/Blizzard over their dodgy cash grab Diablo Immortal. And wow, user reviews. What a bunch of dicks, shame that a company with such a great history of games is run by such horrible, greedy humans. Fuck Blizzard. Pay to win is a gross profit model. It is a shame the talented artists’ and devs’ work is being reduced to exploit gamers.
Well, Oilers got rolled over in the 3rd… Up by two goals and could not hold the lead. It went to TO and Avs got a quick goal. Disappointing end for Oilers. Swept. They will be tough to beat for the Cup.
Also really shocked and disappointed by the BS going on with Canada’s National Men’s Team (Soccer) and the Soccer Canada… I mean, good lord, Canada has been waiting for a good team for DECADES – we finally get one and Canada’s own Soccer association is creating grief for them. Just unreal.