...a place to bury thoughts

A Sad Passing

June 20, 2022 @ 03:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Zappy, RIP, home, Family

Bye sweet Zap :(

Bye sweet Zap :( - I miss my computer buddy

Friday was a long day. Thursday evening it became apparent that our cat of close to nineteen years had taken a turn for the worse. We brought into our Vet and the prognosis was dire. Zoie had stopped eating and had lost a lot of weight, the Vet believed she likely had a tumour somewhere on her GI tract. There was sadly no good news at all. We made the sad decision to say goodbye to our incredible little friend.

Bdot brought her home way back, when we still lived in Brampton. She boldly walked across the living room and mmred at her brother. She was a great companion. She seemed to know when we needed a pick-me-up. She tolerated my cat and she even tolerated two dogs. She was always affectionate toward us. The house sure seems to have lost a presence. I hope she found a comfortable cat den then serves unlimited whipping cream because she deserves it. Sigh.

So that was the start of our day… Then we packed to leave for Smith Falls, then drove for hours to her brothers. It rained off and on during the drive and wasn’t a route we were overly familiar with. It all just made for a really, long day.

This was our first visit to her Brother’s place. I thought it was awesome. A blank canvas ready for him to customize his space however he wants.

We went to the area to celebrate Bdot’s Uncle’s 85th birthday. The party was at one of Bdot’s cousin’s place who lives on a 100 acre farm. The property was incredible (and I’m sure we saw only a fraction of it). It was a fun day, the weather turned out to be nice and the turnout was quite impressive. Bdot, Snoog and I enjoyed a walk in their back 40.



Poopers enjoying the outside

Poopers enjoying the outside

The drive home included an expensive stop at Willowtree Farm for some food.

Can’t believe how badly the Lightning got beat Saturday night. Wow.

I had an inquiry to buy my domain. I doubt I’d part with it for any small sum. I’ve had it for a long time and I’m not going to part with it for peanuts. We started a curious new Netflix series Mindhunter. It fills in a lot of how the FBI profilers got started and the difficult path to change the interior FBI look at criminology.

The Ball Hockey season ended. I was sad to miss the final game. I hear the team beat the ‘top team’ to end the season. Incredible. Another season starts up in the Fall. Hopefully we’ll get a full roster of four teams.

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