...a place to bury thoughts

Fine Forks

April 30, 2012 @ 11:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

friends, hiking, hockey, Breaking Bad, Forks of the Credit

Made it to the Forks of Credit Falls!

Made it to the Forks of Credit Falls!

My buddy KK had some great news Friday as his offer for a house was accepted! Heโ€™ll be moving two north/south streets closer which is great as it should shave 5-10m off driving to his new place. Congrats! I ventured over to have a few celebratory bevies after I finished dinner Friday night. After geeking out and admiring his Samsung tablet at his place we drove over to the local arena. You might be thinking what? An arena? But this is a massive facility. It has multiple rinks, offices, workout areas and more importantly a bar. So you can sit around and watch a local game of shinny and have a pint pretty much any time. KK knew a few of the guys playing so it was especially interesting for him. The pace of the Shinny was up and down but it was still fun to watch. It was a pretty chill night in the arena. It was good to get out and shoot the shit for a night.

Saturday morning was another early rise. This is becoming a disheartening reoccurring theme in my life. Bah. We had to drive across the top of the GTA to East Toronto (Markham) to meet with our wedding officiant. It was a productive meeting. We sorted through the details of the ceremony and came to many interesting conclusions on it will be conducted. Hearing the officiant speak about the event was quite moving as the details were personalized. I think she will do a great job. The mornings task made us good and hungry. We stopped at a local all-day breakfast restaurant and filled up. I had a Western Omelet.It was delicious. I was tempted to lick the plate. We had grand visions of yard work and house work for the afternoonโ€ฆ but when we got home and finally stopped we both crashed for a few hours. Unfortunate, but you can only do so much. The afternoon was a write off. In the evening we enjoyed bdotโ€™s BBQed suicide shrimp for dinner which are always amazing. (I guess we ate pretty good Saturday huh?) We decided to start watching Season One of Breaking Bad which was donated to us by my BiL. (Thanks JP!) It is curious. We got through the first two episodes before bdot had to crash. Conceptually it reminded me of Weeds without the humour. Iโ€™ve been told by friend online to stick with the series as it starts off slow. Iโ€™m enjoying it so far, it is a compelling story and the character are intriguing, Iโ€™m certainly going to watch a few more episodes. Speaking of compelling stories, Iโ€™ve blown through the entire Second Season of Dexter in a week. Wowโ€ฆ keeps you guessing. I figured who would die in the end, just not how. Great writingโ€ฆ

Sunday we made certain to get outside and enjoy the cool but bright and sunny day. We took the dog on a long 2hr hike along the Forks of the Credit section of the Bruce Trail. Only 2hrs? It felt a lot longer. Yes, the majority of the trail was flat but a few minutes North of Washrooms and The Quarrymanโ€™s Side access point the trail rises rapidly. The view from the top is a little disappointing as there werenโ€™t any quality vantage points. The trail itself however is quite enjoyable. There are numerous river access points and the trees and terrain is always changing. Iโ€™m pretty sure weโ€™ll return to Forks as we found a good loop to hike. In the evening, I cut the lawn for the first time of the seasonโ€ฆ Ahh, the lawn. It just keeps bringing misery. There are now multiple types of creeping weeds trying to over-run the lawn in the backyard, in addition to the typical dandelion menace. We are resorting to chemical warfare, stooping and ripping isnโ€™t working and the lawn is looking pretty dreadful. Nuke time. Sigh. At least the front gardens are blooming and looking great otherwise Iโ€™d consider paving the whole fracking yard. Yards can be so frustrating to maintain. It requires a level of attention and dedication to maintain that we simply donโ€™t have. Meh.

I have a bloodletting session with the Dentist tonight. Dentist and Monday! Hooray! *head against wall*

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