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Lazy Weekend

April 3, 2016 @ 09:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Caledon, food, Toronto Blue Jays, weather, Winter, Talented Mr.Ripley

More snow?

More snow?

The weather can’t seem to make its mind up about what it wants to do. Snow? Rain? Sun? March/April has been unpredictable. We walked in Palgrave today and it was blizzard-like. At least the ground is warm so it isn’t accumulating. At least so far… It does look like it is warming all week long ending in double digits. Hmm. I’m concerned about the drive in tomorrow. We have been trying to get by without snow tires on one of the cars…now the tires are pretty bald. Any snow at all and I’m fscked. It is okay in rain and dry conditions… we are just hoping to wait for a paycheque or two before getting new tires. Hmm.

It has been a pretty quiet weekend at home. We were going to see my cousin yesterday in Hamilton and pick up a piece of art… but those plans fell through. So I did some housework and we watched the very bizarre and awkward Talented Mr.Ripley. Weird. Also played some World of Tanks (PS4). What a fun game.

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie

Did manage to get some food ready for the week. Shepherd’s Pie mostly based on this recipe.

Turned out well!

Turned out well!

Ugh, it is still snowing…

…at least the backyard looks nice.

…at least the backyard looks nice.

I’m hopping onboard the Blue Jays bandwagon early this year. Watching game one… up 3-1 at the moment. Blue Jay TV/Radio schedule.

The Sabres only have a handful of games left… If they can get 3 points in 3 games then they will end the season with 80 points. 26 (!) points more than last year. While I’m disappointed they didn’t get near the playoffs… I still feel there is plenty to be excited about. The Sabres have 4 20 goal scorers and, what looks like, a legit starter. Ennis would probably be a 5th 20 goal scorer, but he missed most of the season. Lenher, the Sabres’ starting goalie also missed a ton of time. Between the two playing most of the season and the maturing of the ‘kids’, a run at a playoff spot next year, for me, is an expectation. Not making the playoffs next year would be more than a mere disappoint. It would be a failure.

Murray said something to the effect of give me three seasons. The team has made progress. But they need to keep climbing….

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