...a place to bury thoughts

The Hammer wasโ€ฆ nice?

April 17, 2016 @ 07:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, home, Downtown, hamilton, Nvidia Shield K1

Downtown Hamilton

Downtown Hamilton

Yesterday was the first really nice day of Spring. I think temperatures in the area even hit around 20. Lovely. Bdot purchased a stunning piece of art from my cousin a few weeks back. We finally went to Hamilton to pick it up. Most of my experience with Hamilton has largely been negative. It was dirty and unfriendly. Hell, a fat guy fell on me at a concert at Copps. So I certainly had very low expectations for visiting the downtown area. I was wrong. Yesโ€ฆ it looks a little dated downtownโ€ฆ but I found it charming, clean and wtfโ€ฆ friendlyโ€ฆ cars actually stopped to let us cross the roadโ€ฆ a few times! So I guess I owe the Hammer an apology. Downtown was vibrant. There were people everywhere and tons of cool shops. It was like the best of downtown Toronto without the attitude or pretension. The farmerโ€™s market was impressive with all sorts of meat, veg, cheese and artisan products. The visit with my cousin was fun too. We got to meet her son Wyatt and the cast of characters in her life around Hamilton. We came home with a bunch of baked goods. Mmm.

We also stopped at Humber Nurseries. We are debating about adding a water feature to the backyard. But there really only is so much cash to go around. The backyard still has an extensive planting and deck queued. So the water feature will have to wait. Inspired by my cousinโ€™s kitchen we picked up a bunch of succulents for out kitchen. Hopefully we can keep them alive.

Most of today has been dealing with neglected housecleaning. Pretty tired now.

Touch the monkey hand. If you dare....

Touch the monkey hand. If you dare....

From work. Very funny.

Loving my Nvidia K1 Shield tablet. They added another patch last week. Everything works. I can stream content anywhere in the house. So I can finally get out of the dungeon. If Nvidia made a 9โ€ณ or 10โ€ณ version I would seriously consider it. Iโ€™m using it for content not gaming. It is a great Android experience.

The house sure is quiet without Remicat. Sigh. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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