...a place to bury thoughts

Woodys Rock!

April 13, 2014 @ 09:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, food, friends, hockey, Buffalo Sabres, sports, Diablo 3, Game of Thrones, Loose Moose, NHL Playoffs, The Boyz, Toronto Rock

Rock win! Hello playoffs!

Rock win! Hello playoffs!

Not sure if I mentioned it before… but something was clearly wrong with the front left suspension in the Vibe. Last oil change they dismissed it as ‘ice build up’ but I thought that was BS. It was. My mechanic looked at it again this weekend (when there was clearly no longer any ice) and lo and behold, found the sway bar was rubbing against my break pads. It could have been dangerous. *sigh* Also the shocks are completely shot. Replacing the shocks is big money. So, the sway bar was fixed but the shocks were not. The car is on its last legs. We are trying to get as much time out of it as we can but…

Saturday evening was a get together with ‘The Boyz’; my oldest friends. The plan was to meet downtown then head to the Toronto Rock game. I went over to nivek’s early to attend his son’s ball hockey game. The game was pretty fun to watch, the ages and sizes of the boys seemed to vary dramatically… they were all under ten years old. I was pretty impressed with their grasp of hockey at such a young age. The game was tied up late. Nivek’s son made several key defensive plays. We eventually made our way South after the game. Traffic was ridiculous. The original plan was to park at Yorkdale and take the TTC down… but Yorkdale was a zoo. Quelle surprise! So we drove a little further (what a nightmare) and parked closer to the next stop at Wilson. Living well North of Toronto, I rarely ever take the TTC… So I always find it pretty interesting to watch how it bends and twists, and all the metal on metal ( \m/~ ) sounds you hear screeching from beneath the cars… I like it though. It is fairly clean and gets you downtown pretty quickly. Union station is a gong-show right now however as it undergoing a major renovation. But once we arrived, our meeting place the Loose Moose was only a very short walk away.

When KK and I arrived, Mike and Pat had already acquired a great table with a view of the TFC game. Immediately they tell us about their bus ride up to Toronto from Niagara. They said the ‘crazy white chick’ behind them on the bus was really loud and talking about how she just got released from jail. Well somehow she asked them if she could use one of their phones. Don’t know why, but MikeMike said yes. Well it sounds like her phone convos degraded into a series of wanna-be gangster f-the-police tirades. Oh joy… Now they have MikeMike’s number. *eyeroll* Eventually Ding joined us for lunch. It was lots of laughs and good times as we had lunch. Yes. We all ordered Woody’s. They are an awesome burger. The beer selection at Moose is impressive. Every time we are there I get to try new beers. I tried a Lake of Bays Spring Maple Belgian Blonde Ale which I eventually warmed to, and a Turtle Irish Red which I quite enjoyed. Unfortunately with Defoe and Bradley, TFC dropped a one nil game to Colorado. Ho-hum.

The ‘legendary’ Woody from the Loose Moose in Toronto

The ‘legendary’ Woody from the Loose Moose in Toronto

Ding was out for the game so the four of us walked down to the ACC to see the Rock. Admittedly I don’t follow the NLL. While I enjoy the game, I don’t have any real loyalty to the team. It was just something fun to do with the guys. It was an entertaining and close game. I loved that the goalie’s name was Miller. Miller stops ’em cold! The Rock held on to win 10 – 9, the win getting them into the playoffs! Draft beer was $13 at the ACC. So we ordered zero beers. Instead, we went back to the Moose for another round. It was a great night. Lots of laughs and good times… we really need to get together more often.

While I was out, bdot was focused obsessed with finding a new knitting pattern. She uses a website called ravelry which is staggering. The vast volume of information on the site is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. The hunt is still on I believe.

I also finished a few Acts of Diablo 3 with my high heel wearing female Demon Hunter. I find it really silly that the graphic designers have the character running around killing monsters in sand (etc.) IN HIGH HEELS. Dupid. I’m however enjoying the class a lot and the game improvements have made it significantly more enjoyable to play…

Thank Gawd the Sabres season has mercifully come to an end. They were a bad team to start the season. Then they became a bad team decimated by injuries. I believe they dressed eight goalies this year. Their record was embarrassing, and their inability to score was record setting. I eventually just got behind the tank for last. Not doing so ensures only mediocrity, and I’m willing to suffer for awhile to achieve good results. We shall see… the next two drafts are crucial. The Sabres have acquired a ton of picks. This years draft they have potentially three first round picks! So as bad as the Sabres were, and they were really bad, I’m still optimistic with the current plan and the future.

Sabres suck. Final season stats.

Sabres suck. Final season stats.

The NHL playoffs start this week! I may be in two playoff pools. A lot has been made of the fact that there is only one Canadian team in the post-season. So… I guess it is all aboard S.S. Habs. There are Sabres all over the league as well… so pulling for Miller and Ott in St.Louis, and Pominville in Minnesota.

2014 NHL playoff breakdown

2014 NHL playoff breakdown

Game of Thrones spoilers ahead!

So wow… Does George R.R. Martin have wedding issues? What is now being called the Purple Wedding ended in a dramatic manner. The King being killed by pie? Or was it wine? And who? And why? Pretty much every character in the series would have a reason to kill the little douchebag. It will be curious to see how this hunt for the murderer unfolds. Judging by the jubilation on twitter it seems about time the King got his comeuppance. One character I won’t miss. Incredible job by the actor. I wonder if it was easy to play such a hated character.


Due to weather I opted out of driving down to St.Catharines for my Dad’s hockey pool. :/ Hopefully he got some good players! I did enter the pool with the ball hockey guys. I picked first for the first time ever. Which is both good and bad. Here is what I ended up with:
Krejci – BOS
Eriksson – BOS
Hossa – CHI
Subban – MONT
Williams – L.A.
Richards – L.A.
Gaborik – L.A.
Vatanan – ANA
Brassard – NYR
Voynov – L.A.

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