...a place to bury thoughts

Weird Ride

May 22, 2022 @ 05:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, Buffalo Sabres

Cozens with the hatty!

Cozens with the hatty!

So the IIHF streams all the games but for some reason, the videos “are not made available” in all countries. The event is being held in Finland… so ‘presumably’ a VPN relocated to Finland should work, but no. No, it didn’t. I tried a bunch of nations around Finland, all didn’t work but for some odd reason Belgium did. Weird.

Ride on!

Ride on!

I haven’t mountain biked in months for sure. But Mo invited me out tonight and it was lovely weather so I went. Ugh, Mountain biking is WORK. I’ve forgotten how taxing it is physically. But somehow I survived it. We biked for about an hour, just over 9km, 137 elevation gain. God bless Ibuprofen. Got A&W afterward, that Best Burger Ever was a bit disappointing. It was a fun night.

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