...a place to bury thoughts

Winter Weekend

February 13, 2017 @ 07:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, friends, Lion, Nvidia K1 Tablet, RemixOS

Fresh snowfall in Palgrave Forest

Fresh snowfall in Palgrave Forest

We had a visit for our friends from Bethany, Buck and Bonnie and their kids. They stayed over Saturday night. Buck is a big Leaf fan so I made sure I had my “Sabres’ fans parking only sign” displayed for him when he arrived. It was a good laugh. We watched the game together, Leafs/Sabres. Sabres won…but true to form they lost last night to a mediocre Vancouver team. It seems any step toward progress or the playoffs results in failure. There is now rumblings of discontent coming through in post-game interviews from the players. Management appears to be doing nothing. *shrug* It seems like it will be another wasted season.

Sunday we had a nice walk together in Palgrave forest. The Bethanites had snowshoes. With a fresh blanket of snow, it was quite stunning to be outside. It was good to see them and we’ve made some tentative plans for the Summer.

Ha. Trudeau met Tr*mp today… The press meeting was broadcast live on Facebook. It was funny to watch. When Justin was on the screen filled with hearts…. when Tr*mp was on, angry faces flowed…*snicker*

The Good and the Bad?

The Good and the Bad?

Huh. My Nvidia K1 Tablet got the Android 7 (Nougat) update! It runs quite nicely. The notifications are great. So far I’ve been impressed with the K1. I just wish it was a bit bigger.

K1 with Android 7!

K1 with Android 7!

It seems unreal to me that my Samsung S7 (on Rogers) still doesn’t have the update. Oh and speaking of disappointing tech, I tried to install Remix OS AGAIN. (Yes, I’m a technological masochist I guess….) So after it repeated failed via the USB installation process (could see partition, boot installer didn’t work) I tried a direct HD install. It did work and boot… only to find I couldn’t change the resolution, WIFI didn’t work (it did before the reboot – *eyeroll*) and update failed after I connected with CAT5. So a complete waste of time. I’m done with Remix OS. I’ll wait to see what google does. Don’t release an OS unless it can be installed properly. Reminds me of all the issues with old school Redhat Linux installs. Sigh…………………

After a lovely walk, we watched Lion. What a wonderful film, incredible storm and moving performances. ⭐⭐⭐½ And! I got cupcakes from my love and valentine.

We are heading to Killaloe on Friday to visit bdot’s parents and friends from the area.

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