...a place to bury thoughts

Walking and Walking Dead

February 13, 2012 @ 06:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

hiking, media, American Horror Story, Humber Valley Heritage Trial, Lincoln Lawyer, nIVEK, Walking Dead

Shot from the walk

Shot from the walk

Friday night I watched the Sabres come back from two down to win in Buffalo. They have not played well this year once they get behind, so it was a nice win. Again, it will fall in the too little, too late category but… it will be nice to see the team end the season on a positive note at least. We lazed around most of Saturday morning, eventually getting out for a long walk with the dog on the Humber Valley Heritage Trail. It was a great day for a walk… cool but not freezing and very sunny. Bdot took a bunch of photos (including the above shot) with her new iPhone 4GS. It takes remarkable photos for such a small device. In the evening we debated about going out to a movie… but nothing playing seemed worth the money.

We ended up watching Lincoln Lawyer. Bdot has seen the movie before but watched it again with me. Gee, maybe to see Matthew McConaughey? 😛 Matthew played a slick and sleazy L.A. defence lawyer. He was quite convincing. One of his cases begins to involve him personally and an intriguing story unfolded. I’m so accustomed to seeing McConaughey in comedy fluff that seeing him in a serious dramatic role was curious. I loved the atmosphere of this film… the music, the camera angles, the secondary characters (like the driver, the bikers), the script… it all worked for me. Did I just like a Matthew McConaughey film? Yes. Yes I did. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A solid somewhat quirkly crime drama with a compelling story.

KK mentioned his Father in Law is a jeweler so we decided we would meet him Sunday to discuss wedding rings. We are at the very preliminary stage of looking at them… So far I’m doing more of the eliminating of what I don’t want.

The first order of business Sunday was to meet up with KK’s FiL in Brampton to look at some ring options. I’m very visual so ‘seeing’ what I like and trying it on is how I would choose a ring. Unfortunately KK’s FiL has a pretty small and generic collection to look at home. His business is on the far East side of Toronto as well so…we’ll have to find other options to see rings in person. He said he could create anything from a picture so – we’ll see. I guess I’m pretty particular about what I want to wear on my finger for the rest of my life. Brampton’s creep Eastward is insane… the city is slowly filling in all the way to HWY 50 with massive subdivision after subdivision of nice homes on small lots. I’m not a big fan. After looking at rings we decided to go Chapters in Brampton since we rarely get a chance to go. It didn’t take me long to remember why we left Brampton after getting in Mall parking lot. It was a zoo. I prefer more open space… it seems you have to fight for ever inch of space everywhere you go in Brampton. That gets tiresome fast. Blah. We eventually found two chairs, enjoyed a coffee and looked through a bunch of wedding magazines. The big debate is still the colours to use and since we are meeting with the second florist this weekend, it would be nice to have the colours selected. I think we are on the same page for the look we want to achieve, we just need to finalize the colours of the flowers etc..



Sunday night I was happy to discover Walking Dead was back! Another great episode! (Thanks Jenn) It seemed to go well with the new series KK got me hooked on : American Horror Story. I’ve watched a ton of horror movies. It is easily one of my favourite genres. American Horror Story is unquestionably one of the creepiest series I’ve seen. The characters are so bizarre and the story creates an unsettling and disturbing reality for the main characters. Three episodes in. I’m really enjoying it. Why are basements always where the evil thing lives? (Thanks KK! Yes Alexandra Breckenridge is pretty stunning – *whistles*) In music news Whitney Houston passed away… she seems to have had a tough life with substance abuse and crazy boyfriends, I’m not a fan of her music, but no one deserves to die at 48. *shakes head*

Purolator seems so incompetent…. in spite of having PHONED and E-MAILED them the details for delivering my package it still has not arrived, and there are now… seven address corrections on the tracking form. If I had known this was going to turn into such a drama I would have just picked it myself. I was trying to save myself some driving and delivery was free. Fail decision. Bah. Idiots. Hopefully it arrives this afternoon.

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