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Small Victory

February 8, 2012 @ 09:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, Geeky



There hasnโ€™t been much to celebrate this year as a Sabresโ€™ fanโ€ฆ but tonight was certainly an exception. With a remarkable complete effort the Sabres crushed their most-hated rival the Bruins 6-0. There were fights and checking and the โ€˜competeโ€™ that Ruff has been preaching all year. Yes, it is just one game and it may not mean anything for the Sabres who are well out of the playoffsโ€ฆ But tonight the Sabres asserted their will and kicked the Bruins around for a change. And my gawd as a fan that was wonderful to see.

The cover for my tablet finally came in. The Prime looks great encased in black leather. *purr*

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