It was a crazy weekend for sports... Bdot was away at dog seminars most of the weekend, and it was miserable outside, so... I watched a fair bit of sports. Another sign of the apocalypse has past. The Leafs are in the second round. IMHO, they got lucky. They played two good games and won three OT periods which they were outplayed in... but you play the games for a reason. The Bolts were up 4-1 going into the third one of the games, and lost, so...*shrug* I did think the Leafs would be better this post-season actually, but they barely made it past the Bolts. Some other historic losses... The Bruins, with the best ever win total for a season lose in seven games to the lowest seed in the East. By gawds, one more win the Bruins would have been playing the Sabres. Just get in? Wow...Also the defending Stanley Cup champs the Avs, lost to the expansion Kraken! Again, just get in. The playoffs become another entity all together. Who knows how the rest will unfold, maybe a big outlier wins the Cup this year?
The Men's Under 18 is also going on...Canada played well against everyone expect the Sweds. The Sweds pretty much owned Canada this year beating us twice. The boys put up a good fight in the semis but eventually were overwhelming by the superior team. It was looking like same was going to happen to the US in the Gold medal game... but the US found a way late in the game after trailing for 50m... they tied it and won in OT. Pretty crazy.
Tottenham continues to flounder around... One step forward and two steps back...
Not sure WTF Rogers has been doing for the past week, but out Internet has been down pretty regularly for many days now...Hmpt. Ha, can't post because the the Internet is down...
Our Friday ball hockey game took the usual pattern against the Blue team. They are ahead after one, Tied after three. And we pull ahead at the end... I think this has happened the same way three times now. The Commish has been playing around with his GoPro and recorded the whole game... (it sadly ran out of juice to get our whole come back) but seeing the full unedited play is pretty cool. It looks great too... I think we will continue to play around with the GoPro at games.
I'm still having playback/transcoding issues with the TV app version of Plex. The app works fine until you try to play something then it just spins as if buffering. The server is now on a system that can certainly transcode at a reasonable rate so... I have no idea what the bottleneck is now. If I try to play Plex off a laptop or PC it seems fine. *eyeroll*
The trick to getting the Wordpress database 404 error to go away after the All-in-One migration was to change the permalink structure to basic (?p=234232) - yes it is ugly and SEO UNfriendly compared to the titles, but it works, so....I may try switching it back at some point but presently I'm just happy to have it working again...
UPDATEA few more sad passings this week... Harry Belafonte and Gordon Lightfoot. Legends.