...a place to bury thoughts

Going Nuclear

June 5, 2023 @ 03:06 pm πŸ”— Post Link

Headlines, Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Some bad days

Some bad days

I do enjoy historical dramas and The Days was quite interesting. It was based on the Fukushima Nuclear disaster in Japan. It followed the story of the plant manager as he dealt with the events... All the politics and internal decisions, some heroic, some tragic. It was shocking at times the lack of preparedness the nation had to deal with such a huge potential catastrophe. The finger pointing and blame, what the different entities told the public, what they didn't tell them... Considering the widespread ineptitude it is remarkable so few people died. A fascinating look at a nation as the cope with nuclear meltdowns... ⭐⭐⭐½

Messi is coming to MLS. *gasp!*



The air is so bad in some eastern cities (Toronto, Ottawa, New York city) that it literally looks like the scene from Blade Runner 2049...it really smells like campfire even here in Caledon. Pretty creepy. I don't recall this happening before.

Phew. Nice come back for the Panthers! Go Cats!

LOL. Tr*mp indicted on more charges with more cases pending. What a douche. Lock him up where he belongs.

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