...a place to bury thoughts

Term Two

February 12, 2019 @ 06:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Geeky, Chrome OS, Chromebooks, Humber College

The closest the two have been. (I guess they called a truce in front of the fireplace)

The closest the two have been. (I guess they called a truce in front of the fireplace)

Well, the long way for my first term WDDM marks was worth it. My average is much higher than I expected, and the two full programming classing had excellent marks… so awesome! That said, I still didn’t much feedback on the major assignments and specific marks – which is disappointing. Term two is well on its way. There is one new prof. She is curious. As straight of a shooter as there could be. No B.S., off-putting at first with her blunt and frank talk to be honest. The weakest links from last term were replaced. This term is a curious blend of really intense and complicating programming and brainless personal development assignments. One of profs enjoys chatting after class and I’ve mentioned to him ways (I think) the program could be improved and what could be potentially focused on in the future. He seemed responsive and may even switch some material in the coming weeks. We shall see… Otherwise it has been a curious term… there are brutal evening classes and a few Winter closures… so the pace is constantly seems in flux.

I have not replaced the Acer Chromebook. So I’m lugging the bigboy Dell 7577 to school for notes (etc.). I do miss it… It served as the light and portable day to day driver… essentially for content consumption and web interaction…which the Dell sucks at due to its size and poor battery life. I’m still searching for a replacement…I do miss the simplicity of Chrome OS.

Ball hockey has been fun this season. Sure we are 1-3 but, it is a good group of people and we make the best of it. It is great exercise. We proudly don the ‘North Stars’ colours. Assistant Captain Bdot hates them however. Heh…

We keep trying to get out skiing – maybe this weekend. It is snowing again so the conditions should be good.

My Mom is away in Mexico for a few weeks missing our wonderful weather. She said is was 30 degrees there a few days ago. Hmpt.

I’m really missing my friend KK. His absence in my life is so painfully profound. He was the sounding board for so many of my nerdy interests. Sigh.

The Sabres continue to flounder around. Winning just enough games for fans to keep an eye on the standings but not enough to keep many playoff hopes alive. Funny, they are 2 points out but it feels like 10….


Class was cancelled today because of a Winter storm… frankly it was a little underwhelming…

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