...a place to bury thoughts

A night with the nephews

February 19, 2019 @ 06:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Skiing, Winter, Asus C302CA, Buffalo Sabres

Cider at Mono Nordic

Cider at Mono Nordic

It has certainly been a while since we last skiedโ€ฆ but over the past week weโ€™ve got out twice. Once at Palgrave, once in Orangeville (Mono Nordic)โ€ฆ Both were really good conditions. Mono Nordic had a free ski day for family day, so it was busy. It was a lovely day to skiโ€ฆ I was tired but pushed myself to go anyway.

Sabres are in an incredible free fall to the bottom of the NHL standings. They have lost three in a row to the worst teams in the league. Iโ€™m so disheartened by the fallโ€ฆ Gawd. They next play the best team in the league followed by several premiere teams in the league. So, what was once optimistic and hopeful has turned into the typical Sabres tirefire. Sigh.

I think I found the Chromebook I want: the ASUS C302CA. Sadly I had one on the hook at eBay but I let it go. Iโ€™m kicking myself about itโ€ฆ new the Chromebook is at least $600โ€ฆ and I could have had it for $355. Doh! I have another bid in on one โ€“ so weโ€™ll seeโ€ฆ

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