...a place to bury thoughts

Golfing, Tequila and yardwork

September 18, 2011 @ 09:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Fall, Family, friends, golf, St. Davids Golf Club

Great shot!

Great shot!

Saturday was a long day. We had planned on golfing with my parents and in the evening celebrate one of my buddyโ€™s 40th birthday. On the the way down to Niagara we stopped at Golftown in Mississauga to pick up bdotโ€™s clubs. The store was enormous โ€“ wall to wall golf clubs and golf paraphernalia. Bdot wanted a pull cart so we looked at a few and settled on a decent one. Iโ€™ve had carts spill my clubs so finding one that was stable was important. With clubs in tow we got to Niagara later than expected.

It happened to be my former neighbourโ€™s (and friendsโ€™s) parentโ€™s 50th wedding anniversary. It seems like such a rare accomplishment today. They were hosting a big party. Cars were lined up nearly to the end of the street. It was kinda crazy. I got a few minutes to talk with my long time buddy Jeff and congratulation his parents. We couldnโ€™t stay long, but it was nice to stop in for as long as we could.

It was a nice cool Fall day, a great day to golf. We ventured down to Queenston to play the 9 hole St. Davids Golf Club course. Bdot was eager to try out her clubs. I just walked the course, my wrists were still sore from the previous weekends yardwork. It was still nice to walk the course. I took a few swings, but it was certainly a good decision to pass on golfing. My parents and bdot did โ€“ and they had a great day. My Dad shot a great round with a few par and many solid bogies. My Mother was a chipping and putting machine and drained a 30ft putt. Bdot crushed a few drives โ€“ one over 190 yards. It was insane. Once she gets some time in on chipping and putting, she could be a force. It was a great afternoon.

After golf, we rushed to the birthday party. The whole day was a little rushedโ€ฆ All my friends had already arrived and were enjoying the party. Iโ€™ve never been to the location before so I was a little unsure it was even the right house. But it was. Soon we were welcomed and fed and greeted by the birthday boy. The entire evening the birthday boy, Mike, was drinking (and sharing) pitchers of Tequila infused Margaritas. I had quite a few over the evening. Gah. We spent most of the evening with our little band of friends around the fire. It was a fun night. Mike was a great host and ensured everyone was having fun. Happy birthday again! We debated about staying over in St.Catharines, but there was a ton of housework to do โ€“ so bdot got us home late, safe in our own beds.

Morning sucked. Iโ€™ve had foggier mornings of course but one magically gravel pill and a little water and I was up and at โ€™em. I started laundry and bdot vacuumed and steam cleaned, then I vacuumedโ€ฆ eventually we got outside and she gardened and I cut the lawn and continued to chop up the previous weekends tree branches. I got eight bags ready to go and bdot finished most of the roadside garden. We are both pretty tired. We half-watched Ironman and chilled on the couch most of the evening.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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