...a place to bury thoughts

Mad gardening weekend

September 11, 2011 @ 09:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, home, Gardening, Rosamund Pike

Front garden transformation

Front garden transformation

Saturday started off pretty lazily. Bdot made me delicious blueberry waffles. Mmm. I got my haircut, when I got home I started gardening and spent the rest of the afternoon gardening. I ripped out the remaining weeds from the Weeping Mulberry garden. We ventured over to Plant Paradise and got even more plants. A lovely assortment of flowering shade plants. Iโ€™ll post more photos once the lot are in the ground. My latest plant love is for Heucheras. Of course, this being my favourite. *grin* Yes Iโ€™m finding some *blackish* plants for our garden. Here they are on the porch eagerly awaiting their planting.

'obz'idian heuchera

'obz'idian heuchera

Hello shade plants.

Hello shade plants.

In the evening we watched a curious movie called Barneyโ€™s Version. It was based on a Mordecai Richler novel. It was a quirky, at times sad story following Paul Giamattiโ€™s as he moved through three relationships. His performance was excellent. Most of the film focused on his relationship with the stunning beauty Rosamund Pike whom Iโ€™ve never heard of. I donโ€™t want to spoil it โ€“ suffice it to say the story was well constructed. Perhaps a bit longโ€ฆ but very well acted. โญโญโญยฝ

Today was more of the same. Sun and gardening. With the help of a neighbour, we cut down a large Manitoba Maple weed tree that was along our fence-line. It fell perfectly and will give me work chopping it up for days. We went in search of rocks for the road garden. After looking at two garden centres it occurred to us to try the rocks we had in the backyard. This saved a bunch of money and helped get the job going today โ€“ not to mention they look great. Bdot did all the rock edging and planting โ€“ I brought her dirt and rocks so she could keep working. As you can see from the photo, we got a lot done. It isnโ€™t doneโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll post more photos as we make progress on this garden. The final product should look great. Mid afternoon we had the nephews over. They played in the backyard, soaking each other with a sprayhose. They seemed to enjoy running around soaking each other. At one point we set up a sprinkler for them, but it seemed too passive for the boys. Watched a gripping CBC documentary on 9/11โ€ฆ brutal, very moving. Anyway โ€“ Iโ€™m absolutely bagged and every muscle is aching soโ€ฆ Iโ€™m off to soak in the tub.

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