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Skiing was Superbowl

February 3, 2014 @ 07:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

In Memoriam, outdoors, sports, Winter, Palgrave, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ski, Superbowl

Lovely day to ski

Lovely day to ski

Another weekend evaporates into the ether. It has been well over a year since we were able to ski in Caledon. We finally got out skiing on Saturday in Palgrave forest. It was a perfect day for it. It snowed Friday night, temperatures were just below zero and the sky was clear and bright. I even found a nice secluded trail that someone already worked in. Unfortunately the snow was a little sticky and bdotโ€™s skis kept becoming unusable. I think she is going to look into getting slightly better skis. We got both sets used and picked them rather randomly. Iโ€™m still pretty happy with my skis. It is cool that my body (and brain?) remember how to ski. I carried on solo and did a loop through the forest. Ha. I recall how enraged I was the first time I skied through the park and I did everything wrong and fell a bunch of timesโ€ฆ Remarkably after not skiing for over a year and running an equally challenging section of the park, I didnโ€™t fall and quite enjoyed the ski. It really seems like skiing is a great cardio workout.

After the outdoors, we got groceries and starting getting the house ready for Superbowl Sunday! It turned out to be more like a ho-hum, *yawn* Sunday. The Seahawks owned the Broncos from the first play of the game which was a rare safety. I was pretty indifferent to the teams playing. I was hoping Manning would have a good showing, he didnโ€™t, but it was nice to see Seattle win their first title. It was a fun afternoon/evening. My parents drove up and JP drove down. My parents needed to head home early for the cats. JP stayed the night. We had a long soak in the hot tub which was highly required. My left forearm has been strained for weeks now, I assume from all the shovellingโ€ฆ Any lifting is uncomfortableโ€ฆ Sigh. I think everyone overate. Isnโ€™t that what the Superbowl is about? Bdot made a yummy Chicken Enchilada Casserole which took quite a hit. Weekend was way too shortโ€ฆ

As my parents arrived bdot took the dog for a walk. She was wearing snowshoes. I should have known that meant trouble. She said she would be 30m. Well after no-showing for 90m I began to wonder what was up. Well, she decided to trek along the Humber river and up the steep ravine behind our house. Madness. She said it was very steep. Of course our back gate was frozen so getting onto the property became a bit of a circus. I guess on some level it is good to know access to the property from the ravine is so daunting.

Sabres played their worst game of the season against the Avs getting embarrassed 7-1. Gawd. Woof! The Miller trade rumours are ablaze. I think we are watching his last days in a Sabresโ€™ jersey. Hmmpt.

Olympics start this Thursday! GO CANADA! Hoping Russia doesnโ€™t ruin the experience for those who have trained and worked so hard to get there. Iโ€™m highly doubtful. Iโ€™ve read stories of anti-gay murders and assaults, stray dogs being rounded up and euthanized, rampant corruption in Sochi and many buildings incomplete (not to mention no snow, a massive military presence and the threat of outside attacks) sure add up to a nation that didnโ€™t deserve to host the games. Well done IOC. Well done.

Sad to hear Philip Seymour Hoffman died alone on a hotel bathroom floor with a needle stuck in his arm. I admired his work. *shakes head*

Incredibly telling final photo of the actor. The photo speaks a thousand words for sure. Sad.

Incredibly telling final photo of the actor. The photo speaks a thousand words for sure. Sad.

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