The safer way to walk
The weekend started off right with an hour massage. I really believe the fastest hour on Earth is the hour spent on a RMT table. It feels so good to get dekinked, it is as if they release stress with their fingers. If you aren’t getting a professional massage, you are missing out. Go. Now. I’m pretty sure I blog this every time. The rest of the day felt like a lot of running around. Maybe because it was. Our first stop was at our mechanic for a long overdue oil change on the Vibe. I’m not a car geek. So for me having a mechanic I feel I can trust is paramount. I guess I wouldn’t know if our mechanic was screwing us… but it doesn’t feel like he is. I’ve always felt he has been honest, doesn’t overcharge and really just does what is necessary to keep our cars running smoothly. No you can’t have his name 😛 After the cars were dealt with we ventured over to Palgrave Forest to run the dog. Well… the crappy Winter blues continue… not only is there no snow but there is ice everywhere on the trails. The ice in Palgrave made walking so treacherous we decided to bail and try the flat railtrail in East Caledon. Neither one of us felt like taking a tumble on the ice… it really was that bad. The parking lot for the Palgrave trails on a Saturday afternoon is usually full. This weekend it was empty. Sigh. It has been a horrible Winter for outdoor recreation. So disappointing. AnyWAY, the trail in East Caledon was better. It had sections that were still slippery but it was a tolerable walk. We have noticed post-op the dog has been walking with a strange gait. During today’s run she seemed to be running normally… Strange, a bit of a head scratcher. It felt good to get a good walk in and a big dose of fresh air. While the East Caledon trail is flat, it borders some lovely parkland. After the walk we treated ourselves to some food from our wedding caterer Gourmandissimo. Sweet zombie Jesus their samosas are incredible. Then groceries and finally home. I guess we didn’t do that much… but my legs felt like I dragged logs up a hill all afternoon. We both crashed after we got settled at home. The evening was laundry, the Sabres’ game and a little Dragon Age 2.
It is amusing that the Sabres are finally stringing some wins together yet they remain in the basement of the Eastern conference. It certainly looks like a effort in futility, too little, too late. I saw a stat saying the likelihood of the Sabres making it into the playoffs is now less than one percent. Woo! Get excited sports fans. The problem with winning now is the GM can say… look! look! the team is healthy and we don’t suck anymore! Keep me on as GM! Gahhhhhhh…….fffffffffffffuuuuuuuu…
Superbowl Sunday! I enjoy watching football. The spectacle of the Superbowl being the ultimate marketing and entertainment sports extravaganza. With the Bills long out of the playoffs the final was down to the Giants and Pats. I find Manning more interesting and likeable than Brady – GO GIANTS. The plan was join my parents at my sister’s to watch the game. We left early afternoon and stopped at the Upper Canada Mall. Bdot recently upgraded her iPhone and wanted a cover so I sprayed my body with a repellant and ventured into the Apple store.
I quite enjoyed setting all their demo laptops to the Asus Transformer Prime webpage. *smirk* Bdot decided on a purple Otterbox which she found at a kiosk by the food court. The Apple store didn’t have the colour she wanted. As we were on our way out we stopped at People’s to look at Wedding rings. Ha. I find it funny that there is one small display case of Men’s Wedding rings in the entire store. Men’s wedding rings are also available in metals a woman would never dream of wearing…’You want me to wear tungsten? What?!’ *slap* I thought a few of the rings were interesting, but nothing really caught my attention. Wearing a ring will also take some getting use to, it felt very alien to me. This was really my first time looking at rings… it may be more complicated to find a winner I thought. I figure if I’m wearing this forever I better like it.
By the time we arrived at my sister’s I was hungry. Fortunately there was a ton of food. My parents brought wings and pizza, JP had meatballs ready to go – so I filled up a plate and shut my stomach up. Family gatherings have become a curious sight. The majority of us were playing with some sort of gadget. The family that geeks together stays together? *shrug* I’m glad my Dad is enjoying his tablet. They are going down to Mytle Beach for vacation soon and he is bringing his tablet. He is planning on skyping us while he is down there. That would be pretty impressive IMHO. It wasn’t just a Superbowl visit, it was also my Brother in Law’s 40th…. so we had a delicious Death by Chocolate cake my Mother made and cupcakes. We left after Madonna’s safe but interesting half time show. What was with the gladiator theme? It was a relaxing afternoon with great food and typical family comradery. I also finally tried the yummy German Chocolate Cake K-cup! Which has it’s own webpage. Hmmpt! The Giants ended up winning the Superbowl in a tight game! Apparently the ending was exciting but getting home late on a Sunday would suck more than drinking instant coffee. We both must have been zombies by the time we got home because we watched The Voice and thought it was intriguing. *whistles*

Oh crap. RIP BTJ.