...a place to bury thoughts

Sumos in the Spa

December 8, 2014 @ 07:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, computers, friends, Marriage, Buck and Bonnie, Collingwood, Letโ€™s Explore Diabetes with Owls, the Hungry Sumo

Birthday card from my Sister in Law

Birthday card from my Sister in Law

The weekend was quite the busy blur. Saturday morning started with a haircut at 9AM. After I got home we prepared to head off to Collingwood for an afternoon at Le Scandinave. Lead foot bdot managed to get us to Collingwood in time to grab a quick bit before our scheduled massages. We both enjoy the 1hr of downtime. Unfortunately only one of the three hot tubs at the spa was functional. Hmmpt. We did get a minor gift card. *shrug* I donโ€™t think it impacted the afternoon all that much. It was still very relaxing. I was even able to get in a few chapters of Letโ€™s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris. He is a new author to me. He writing witty and humour stories based on personal observations heโ€™s made in his life. It is enjoyable and light reading. After an afternoon of relaxation and being too hot or too cold we were both really hungry.

Hungry Sumo indeed.

Hungry Sumo indeed.

Bdot was craving Japaneseโ€ฆ so logically we ended up at the Hungry Sumo for dinner. First off we loved the logoโ€ฆ the little sumo with chopsticks and a fish, it seemed to fit perfectly. I guess we really were hungry as sumo. We polished off a lot of sushi rolls and I also had an entire dinner of Dolsot Bibimbap. The Dolsot came with a fried egg on top which is NOT how I like my eggs. Fortunately the dinner came in a hot plate and bdot suggested setting the egg to the bottom of bowl. It worked! In a few minutes gross running egg was replaced with solid tolerable egg. Iโ€™d certainly return to the Sumo, the food was quite good. We also stopped to pick up a few groceries at the lovely Collingwood Loblaws. We enjoyed Chai Teas for the long dark drive home.

Sunday morning we were suppose to meet my sister and BiL to pick out Christmas trees. But we received a late text message saying they werenโ€™t coming with no further explanation. *shrug* So we looked up some closer options. Since the original destination (Drysdales) is more like a middle meeting place. We ended up at Rudolphโ€™s instead. While we enjoy Drysdales and it has been the go to Tree Farm for yearsโ€ฆ we have found that Rudolphโ€™s was an equally good option. First off it is closer, it is significantly less congested with people, the trees are closer โ€“ so the freezing cold tractor ride is optionalโ€ฆ So you get the best part of the trip, finding and cutting a tree with shorter lines and less misery. Sign me up! And damn we found a chubby little bastard of a tree.

The tree was left unattended and cleaned out the fridge. See the after shot! *shakes head*

The tree was left unattended and cleaned out the fridge. See the after shot! *shakes head*

The tree chopping went well, getting the tree on the car not so much. It decayed into a bit of an argument which we eventually talked through. The good thing about being married is the eventual willingness to apologize and forgive regardless what stupid things you may have said or done. Anyway. In the afternoon we prepared for guests. Bonnie and her daughter Brooke came over for a visit. The three of them spent the afternoon/evening baking/talking/hottubbing. The result is a house that smelled delicious for hours.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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