...a place to bury thoughts

Rogers sucks

April 21, 2014 @ 09:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

caledon, gaming, Rogers

Nothing shocking

Nothing shocking

No it isn’t news. Rogers sucks. Their ‘customer service’ is notoriously bad. Frankly the lackadaisical, fsck the customer attitude is shared by all three of the major Ontario cell providers. Why? Because they can. I’ve been reading about alternatives. Because I HATE HATE HATE that if I want Internet and Cable I have two shitty options that I can OVERPAY for.

This tirad is inspired from today’s 12h outage. I get few days off (as do most North Americans… but that is another story) so I was hoping to get some gaming in, perhaps do some surfing. Research for a review. No… of course I would be denied. Today… of all fracking days Rogers is DOWN THE ENTIRE DAY… No Cable. No Phone. No Internet and of course…. no explanation that I have found anywhere. No point calling because the clowns on the phone can’t help you and won’t connect you with someone who can.

If there’s a new way, I’ll be the first in line. But it better work this time.
-Peace Sells by Megadeth

It has been a quiet few days off… We both had ridiculously exhausting work weeks. There was some talk of getting together with family for Easter… But there was no way. Sometimes you need some down time and that was what we had this weekend.



Heh, and Bdot brought home a 1KG bag of these last Thursday night. The bag is practically gone. Phew. Also enjoyed a bunch of baked goods from gourmandissimo. Finally defeated Diablo in Diablo 3. It was really easy with the Demon Hunter… Continuing play on hard level.

I guess I broke Google. Sorry folks.

I guess I broke Google. Sorry folks.

A rare google error. Thought the drawing was funny.

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