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Nice day to stay home

November 30, 2008 @ 08:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, Family



It was a nice day to stay home. But we didnโ€™t. The weather outside was frightful but we ventured over to B.โ€™s sisterโ€™s place anyway. Her sister has three boys so her place is always a noisy high activity zone. Today the activity was making tie dyed shirts. Liam my nephew was interested in the shirts for a while but became bored quickly and returned to the couch to watch TV. So it was basically craft time for B. and I. Thanks Anita. Heh. It was fun. Hopefully they turn out okay. After her sisterโ€™s B. wanted to stop at Michealโ€™s (the evil craft store). I walked over to Wendyโ€™s in blowing snow. It was pretty nasty but Iโ€™m more stubborn that smart sometimes so I kept going. The evening was pretty uneventful, more housework and a little gaming.

Hopefully hear some good news tomorrow at work. Iโ€™d really like to know the longer term plans so I can determine what Iโ€™m doingโ€ฆ

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