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Shop โ€™til I drop

May 8, 2016 @ 08:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Caledon, Food

Downtown Orangeville

Downtown Orangeville

Friday was an interesting day. Work treated everyone to the just after noon showing of Captain American: Civil War. It was a typical Marvel action extravaganza. Guns, fights, chases, witty one-liners and a completely forgettable plot. The characters were a lot of fun. Even when beating on each other they seemed apologetic like a Canadian. I left the movie around 3 and started my weekend a little early. I was starving and picked up some A&Wโ€ฆwhich I gulped down in seconds it seems.

We spent a good chunk of Saturday in Orangeville. Unlike downtown Bolton, downtown Orangeville is a destination. Saturday we went to the Orangeville Farmerโ€™s Market and came home with pies, meat and tomatoes. We walked up main street and poked inside several stores until food was more important that shopping โ€“ which was a while later. We thought weโ€™d treat ourselves to Rayโ€™s in Alton. By the time we got there we were really hungry. But it was packedโ€ฆ and I guess at the end of lunch service so they actually refused to seat us?! FFS. Well that was disappointing. And the disappointment continued with what we ended up setting for. Atlantis Fish and Chips in Bolton. I think it is under new ownership. I wonder if they have any idea what they are doing. We have had fantastic food there before. But yesterday was a complete disaster. Our halibut was awful. Overcooked, stiff and chunkyโ€ฆ was it recooked?! It dreadful. And the fries were a pile of mush. If were werenโ€™t so hungry we may have returned it. How disappointing. It was empty in there on a Saturday at 6โ€ฆ I should have used that as a cue to leave.

My buddy Peter was in the area and I had hoped to see him but the window to do so was really tight and it simply didnโ€™t happen.

Iโ€™ve received a few photos from my Mom who is on a Caribbean cruise. It looks like she is having fun!

Today was mostly housework and a little World of Tanks (PS4).

โ€ฆand of course, a Happy Birthday to my Sister and Happy Motherโ€™s Day to my Mom.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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