...a place to bury thoughts

Getting Schooled

October 16, 2018 @ 09:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, hiking, hockey, Solo, Wutai Shan Buddist Temple

The colours at the cottage

The colours at the cottage

I guess it has been a while since I blogged. Hmm. School has been keeping me busy and Fall weekends are often abuzz with activity – so the blog gets neglected.

My major (midterms) are due next Thursday. The main project is to create a website. I’m already essentially done it. Sure, there will be a fair bit of tweaking, but all the heavy lifting is already done. So far I’m doing well in the program and it is ramping into interesting, uncharted territory for my brain.

Our friend Buck finally got released from the hospital last weekend. He was in for close to two weeks with a potentially serious GI issue. We decided to visit him last Sunday. It was a beautiful Fall day. We drove out to the area around the Wutai Shan Buddist Temple that is slowing being pieced together from China. It looks like a massive project. There are a few beautiful idols and the framework for the main temple completed. We walked along a path that skirts the edge of the property.

A guardian you won’t mess with…

A guardian you won’t mess with…

We weren’t entirely sure what this mythological beast was as we approached it. From the back, it looked like a horse… once you came around to the front, however, it was clearly a dragon. There is (what looks like) a woman riding the dragon side-saddle. I couldn’t find any other information about this individual – I think a Bodhisattva? I assume it says what is depicted on the plaque I can’t read?



Ball hockey remains fun. I played in both games last week and scored my first goal in the league. Our team won! Apparently, we are getting jerseys!

Bdot and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary last week. Plans didn’t fire as planned, but we enjoyed some tasty, fiery, Indian and Solo at home relaxing for the evening. I thought Solo was pretty fun. Maybe not the best depiction of the legendary character, but certainly a fun film. The Han/Chewy meeting scene was awesome. It ended up being a lovely night at home.

…at home where the furnace died AGAIN. It got down to the low 60s. Heat was restored Monday after a service call. Sigh. It is good all this work is being done under warranty. We have windows going in tomorrow!


WOO! Upgraded laptop from 8G RAM to…. 20G! I’ll have to play with it for a while to see what happens. Sabres tonight on the West Coast. LVK.

Oh and Pot is now legal in Canada. I’m pretty indifferent. I’ve never really had a good time with it so… *shrug* Whatever.

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