What a beautiful sight.
Thank you bdot for my *early* birthday present! I’ve played with it only a short while. Maybe 2hrs.
The good:
-Controller is fantastic
-Upgraded my hard drive to 1T in maybe 10m
-played a few minutes of Resogun. Fun. Showed some of the system’s potential?
-text input isn’t too bad
-I’m sure the majority of the bad will be sorted out
-I eventually figured out an acceptable username, went with a pixies song ‘ivebeentired‘
-not sure if this is good or bad. The UI looks almost the same as the PSP UI which is nearly a decade old.
The bad:
-likely due to massive user overload… but tons of network required functionality isn’t working properly. The store, my library, game installs crapping out…
-all the content really requires you to be online
-store is pretty empty
-no apps?
-I thought there was social media integration?
Update: The store did respond eventually. It was just lagged, likely by 1M users downloading all the free games at once.
I’ll play more tomorrow.
More thoughts: I didn’t own a PS3 but I was aware of what it was capable of. The PS4 feels like a beefy, upgraded PS3. The hardware is much better but the OS feels pretty much the same. The focus is clearly on games. All the PS4 really does is play games. Which is fine… but begs the question why the launch offerings are so underwhelming. In general the overall impact doesn’t feel very next gen. Yes, it is a powerful machine. And it will be awesome for games but other than better specs the envelope doesn’t feel pushed ahead much by Sony. The Xbox One on the other hand has all the voice commands which may seem like a novelty, but if it functions as well in reality as it does in their demo videos, is actually pretty cool tech. That said it is very very early in the game. Having owned a Sony product before (PSP) I know Sony is diligent in patching and improving functionality. The console war will continue to be interesting. I ended up picking up Killzone: Shadow Fall and it is a pretty gorgeous looking game and it runs really smoothly. The gameplay is a little dodgy however. Yes there is freedom in the order in which you complete your mission but there is little to no indication as to where the objectives are other than a short description in the objectives. I guess I’ve played too many games where the next objective is spoon fed to you. The AI is quick to fire and I’ve found to be pretty challenging so far. The owl is an awesome little feature. I think the game would be much easier if I could master the use of the owl, which so far, I have not. I have not played multiplayer yet. I’ll wait until I’m more familiar with the controls. It is also odd this Black Op killer you play can take getting shot etc. but dunk him water or a short jump into a non-playable area and he dies. What a strange gameplay choice considering dead means restarting the level.
The new PS4 controller is VERY nice. No hand fatigue at all after a long gaming session. The triggers are very responsive and the lights on the back are a nice touch to indicate charge remaining. It does feel a little like North America is Beta testing server load for the World release of the PS4.
Had a great time at the ACC with JP. Beer, bacon wrapped foot longs and a decent game.

Yeah, yeah. I need a new phone.
The Sabres got behind early, my a push… were within one for a good chunk of the third but Enroth let a 30 footer in and the game was done. I think it may have been tipped. He looked pretty shaky most of the nice. Princess Phaneuf is such a little bitch.

Sabres pre-game rush the crease...