...a place to bury thoughts

Behold Fordnation

November 14, 2013 @ 11:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Greater Toronto Area, politics, Rob Ford

Indeed. Comic by Bruce MacKinnon.

Indeed. Comic by Bruce MacKinnon.

Yeah. Iโ€™ve avoided blogging about Rob Ford for months. But a co-worker sent me the hockey related comic above and I couldnโ€™t resist re-posting it. So Iโ€™ll offer my two cents on this never ending melodrama.

Unless you live under a rock youโ€™ve heard the nightmare for the city of Toronto called Rob Ford. Way back at the very beginning the idea of a meat and potatoes, man of people going to City Hall to stop the gravy train sounded like a worthwhile notion. But wowโ€ฆ how far from that concept has the mayor fallen and continues to fall. I think he has apologized for something he said or did every day this week. And sure, people are often willing to let one screw up slideโ€ฆ but it is now clear that Ford is a train off the tracks destroying everything he comes across.

I initially even thought after he copped to the drugs that if he stepped down and went to rehab he might get a second shot at mayorโ€ฆ but now?

Seriously. If you love Toronto like you say you doโ€ฆ and as entertaining as he has been (I live North of Toronto soโ€ฆ he only indirectly affects me) he needs to step down. Toronto has become the butt of jokes internationally. The Premier of Ontario called his behavior โ€˜truly disturbingโ€˜.

Yikes. It is getting pretty embarrassing.

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