...a place to bury thoughts

Poker and UFC

November 16, 2008 @ 09:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, friends, sports

Lovely to wake up to a delicious breakfast! Thanksโ€ฆ

Lovely to wake up to a delicious breakfast! Thanksโ€ฆ

Saturday B. was out with Kevin hunting most of the day. I saw her briefly for dinner before I headed out to Markham to join a bunch of co-workers for UFC/Poker night. I enjoy Texas Hold'Em, especially with friendly but competitive people which was the case last night. We ended having 11 players at two tables playing with a $10 buy in. It is amazing how long a game can go for. I didnโ€™t do so well the first gameโ€ฆ the second game I opted out for my buy-in x2 so I ended up playing poker most of the night for $10. Jason hosted and was gracious as always and all various tasty Portuguese treats for us throughout the evening. The UFC matches were largely disappointing. They lasted <2m and the main event of Randy Couture Vs. Brock Lesnar wasn't as intense as I was hoping for. But my gawdโ€ฆ Lesner is enormous. Couture beside most people would seem big, beside Lesner he seemed like a child. He held his own for a round but caught a shot in the second and it was all over quickly after that. Meh. I was hoping the older, smaller guy would have won. *shrug* It was a pretty nasty drive home in the first snowfall of the year.

Today we drove up to Collingwood to return a winter jacket B. bought there a few weeks back. We also looked in a bunch of other stores for a replacement. I think this obsession is finally done.

Obama was on 60 Minutes tonight. I find it so refreshing to hear him talk about the future, his approach and what he intends on doing. I hope he succeeds in his many ambitions. (lolsโ€ฆ it is now 2013 as I look back and read this. How disappointing.)

Last but not least, Happy Birthday Mom.

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