...a place to bury thoughts

Perfect Palgrave

February 9, 2015 @ 11:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Art, Caledon, Andrea Rinaldo, Palgrave, Ski

Beautiful Winter wonderland in Palgrave Forest

Beautiful Winter wonderland in Palgrave Forest

Saturday afternoon we returned to Collingwood. The plan was to return one piece of art and pay for the art we kept, grab lunch then go skiing at Scenic Caves. The first stop was to return the art. It was a big piece and took up the entire back of car with the seat push forward. So it made sense to drop it off first. We had a nice chat with Andrea and resisted looking at more art and were off to lunch.

Detail from our new art

Detail from our new art

There were many options for lunch but we decided to return to The Tremont Cafe. If youโ€™ve never been to the Cafe, Iโ€™d certainly recommend it. It had a really cool vibe and the art and ambiance is really unique. Lunch was delicious and the cafe was pretty busy. By the time we were done lunch and calculated the time to drive to ski and get readyโ€ฆ it was no longer worth it. Instead we wandered around Collingwood for a bit. We started by going upstairs to check out the art in the Tremont House. The last time we were in Collingwood all the artistsโ€™ rooms upstairs were closed. Saturday they were nearly all open! So many cool pieces โ€“ we got out without any further financial ramifications. Other stops included: Yarn shop for bdot, coffee, Play it Again, Becker Shoes and a few home decor stores. We donโ€™t get up to Collingwood often so exploring a few of their shops was a lot of fun. We both really like the town. The drive home was pretty slow as we got stuck behind a snow removal truck on the hilly roads of Highway 42 (Airport Road). The evening was chill out timeโ€ฆ Despite not skiing we were both pretty tired.

We still wanted to ski. With freshly fallen snow yesterday, the conditions were perfect. So we ventured over to Palgrave forest. It was incredible there. There is something pure about snow covered trees in a quiet forest. It was the best day of skiing weโ€™ve had there. The only people we saw was another couple skiing and one couple ignorantly snowshoeing over the ski tracks. Sigh. I guess some people canโ€™t read the signs that ask visitors to STAY OFF THE SKI TRAILS.



Bdot made a yummy Shrimp risotto dinner while I ran out for groceries. In the evening I watched Walking Dead which is back for its fifth season! Iโ€™m not sure about Better Call Saulโ€ฆ We are headed to Killaloe this weekend to take advantage of Family Day. Hopefully my legs are recovered by then so we can ski again!

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