Finally. The first firing of the snowblower….
From what I read we were suppose to get around 5cm of snow. A mere dusting. Well… it is closer to triple that and the snow is still falling. We bought a snowblower a few week back and there hasn’t been enough snow to try it. Well today there sure is. Bdot cleared half the driveway when *something* has caused the blades to stop turning. Hmmpt. It worked well until it stopped… More on this later I’m sure. There are tons of closures and bdot is working from home today… so it is certainly a significant snowfall.
Superbowl was last night. I was cheering for the Seahawks. I’m a small b Bills fan, there is no way I can cheer for Brady or the cheating goons from the Boston market. It was a great game. It when down to the last play. And wow… possibly the worst playcall in Superbowl history… The Seahawks get the ball on the 1… they have two downs… they have :30 and timeouts…they have Beastmode…. AND THEY PASS THE BALL! Which gets intercepted and they LOSE. *shakeshead* I don’t know the Seahawks or the coach well… but that is such a bad call it made me think the coach bet his house to lose… Sigh.
I’ve been playing with Windows 10 on an OLD laptop. It is pretty stable and easy to use so far. Cortana, which looks like fun, doesn’t want to work and the settings seems to be lagging the PC pretty badly now… Ho-hum.
I’ve been playing Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. It is an older game (2006) I got cheap off of steam. Wow. What a hidden gem! The combat is so much fun. You can kick and use the environment, use magic, ranged magic… it is VERY linear… but lots of fun so far. I’m on chapter 5.

The belt that drives the blades came off. The neighbour helped put it back on. It clears really well… except for the snow that the wind blows back in your face.