...a place to bury thoughts

Niagara and Toronto

March 16, 2015 @ 09:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, friends, ACC, Adam Young, Big Hero 6, Dad, Mom, Toronto Rock

Oh no. It’s Baymax

Oh no. It’s Baymax

It sure felt like a long week. Getting information about my Dad and relaying that information to his brothers and sisters… So many questions, concerns… I lost count how many times I talked to my Mom. More on this later.

Friday night bdot and I were both feeling really tired. Her from work. Myself from stress from various things (my work situation, my Dad, the house, pets…). So we settled on watching what we hoped would be an uplifting, very light movie. We watched Big Hero 6. It has been a while since we watched an animated film. Especially a Disney animated film. But if Big Hero 6 was indicative of Disney’s current work… we’ll be watching them a lot more often. The film was incredibly fun. The character that steals the film is the modern friendly version of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. Baymax was subtle and his simplicity (and honesty) often gave me big laughs. The film was well animated, quick moving and very touching. It was exactly what we needed. ⭐⭐⭐⭐½

Saturday we did some housework during the day and met up KK and his daughter in the evening to watch a Toronto Rock lacrosse game at the Air Canada Centre. But first, dinner. We met at Marché. It was my first time at a Marché and it was a pretty interesting dining experience. You are giving a swipe card then can pick whatever you want from all sorts of freshly made food options. Pasta, pizza, fish, salads… there were a ton of options… I walked past someone with a pizza, and it looked good so I went with that. It was yummy. I ate it all. Thin crust, tons of cheese, pepperoni and salami. Om. It does seem to add up. I just has pizza and a beer and it was over $20. After dinner we made our way over to the ACC. The seats were in the 300s… which still had very good sight lines. Well… they would if the drunk oaf in front of you actually SAT in their seat. Sigh. Yes. The loudest, most obnoxious douche at the ACC was of course sitting in front of us. Anyway… The Rock has played the Bandits the night before and now the Rock were hosting them. It was apparent from the start of the game that the two teams really dislike each other. Fights, scrums, penalties, player ejections. Yup. It was quite entertaining. Rock took a big lead early. The Bandits battled back, then took the lead. It was back and forth until the end with a late Rock goal forcing sudden death OT. The final score!



It was a fun night. Lacrosse is one of the few affordable sports in Toronto. And one of the few Toronto teams that don’t create more disappointment than cheer.

I’ve been meaning to see my Dad all week. Sunday afternoon we finally got an opportunity to head down to St.Catharines to see him. My Dad is hospitalized at the new Niagara Health System hospital. Huh. I guess it has been years since I’ve been in the Fourth Ave/Vansickle area of St.Catharines. So much development! New plazas and so many new stores. We ended up meeting my Mom at the Feathery Pub. I enjoyed Fish and Chips and a Goose Island Honker Ale. It was a decent little pub. After lunch, we drove just down the street to the Hospital. It is certainly an impressive facility. Massive main hallway, lots of natural light and plenty of modern details. The Niagara did need a new hospital, the Dieu was dreadful. My Dad had a private room. It was surprising bright and not overly bland. The room even overlooks some vineyards. My Dad had a busy week of tests and visitors. By Sunday it seemed to have taken its toll… he looked really worn out and tired. So we had a fairly short visit. Despite his fatigue, he seemed willing to chat and talk about how he was doing. It seems a big part of his situation is mental as he really dislikes being in the hospital. Unfortunately it seems he’ll be in there for a few more days at least as he has to rehab before he can be released. It was good to see him and my Mom.

After the visit bdot took advantage of being in St.Catharines new commercial district and did a little clothes shopping. Ended the night with Zombies. It was a pretty brutal episode of Walking Dead.

The view from my Dad’s room.

The view from my Dad’s room.

Bdot came across this impressive East coast artist named Adam Young. One of my favs from him.

Love this .gif! Love Bandcamp. Enjoy.

100M$ Bandcamp

100M$ Bandcamp

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