...a place to bury thoughts

Moving to the Mountains

February 21, 2012 @ 09:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, food, friends, hiking, Body of Lies, Kev and Suz, Margin Call, Palgrave

Lovely day to ski

Lovely day to ski

Back to work, and it is a Tuesday. It is curious that I feel equally tired after a long weekend as a normal two day weekend. Bah. Saturday was a busy day. Once we finally got going Saturday morning we ventured up to Orangeville. The main purpose was to meet with a florist to get a quote for the wedding. Orangeville is a cool little town and appears to be home for many artists. We left early so we could stop in at Dragonfly art studio and browse around the store. We found several pieces we liked, in particular, a large colourful abstract by [name to be updated] with a series of trees. It was quite stunning. I also liked a painting that featured two ravens, bdot did not. If we ever won lotto 6/49 the local artists would benefit greatly from our win fall. I’m still looking for options for a wedding ring. We looked at some of the jewelry in the studio from a jeweler named Robin Pouw. Many years ago bdot and I were wandering around the shops in Elora and came across a jeweler that created these unique and interesting rings using a process called mokume. At the time we mused that if we ever got married we would look at this type of ring for each other. Well… we came across a mokume ring at Dragonfly made by Robin Pouw. Seeing one up close again has certainly rekindled my curiosity in this process and this type of ring. Interesting. We shall see. After we left Dragonfly we wandered back towards the car and came across a Chocolatier. For the wedding we decided to go in and see what options were available, as we looking for a small take away gift for our guests. What a find! Not only was the chocolate amazing but the owner was extremely generous and helpful providing us many chocolaty give away options. Yum. The visit to the Florist however was disappointing. Sure we don’t have all the details about the wedding sorted out… but the designer seems pretty regimented and appeared to struggle devising a plan for us. After a short chat with bdot after we left it was pretty clear that the three florist we met could be ranked as : A (Original Bolton Florist), B (Orangeville) and C (Second Bolton Florist) options. The difference in ability, concepts and product between A and B justified to us a few more dollars it was going to cost. So, bdot booked the original local florist (A) Sunday morning! After we got home from Orangeville and walked the dog I was ready to chill out. The Sabres aren’t always relaxing to watch but they were on. The Sabres continue to be mystifying… they handed the Pens a pretty nice, and unexpected, smack-down at the FNC Saturday night. They may make a run… and they may get close to 8th… but my brain says there is no way they will make the playoffs. That said, if everything goes right, they could be 7 back at the end of tonight? Hope springs eternal for sports fans I guess.

Our friends from Guelph are moving to Edmonton, Alberta in a few weeks. Since they are a bit of a drive away we rarely get to see them, in spite of that, we’ve had some great times over the years. I’m sad to see them go. They came over Sunday afternoon to get together. We have always been strangely casual and open with them. The pretense to entertain guests doesn’t exist with them, I think that is awesome. The original dinner plan was to get Thai take-out but once again they were closed. I think this is the third time we have been burnt with them being closed! GAH! We reluctantly settled for pizza. I guess I was looking forward to Thai all week because the ‘za was pretty disappointing. The boys and girls couldn’t decide to watch on TV so we half-watched a spy thriller, Body of Lies… it was long, and eventually put everyone to sleep. It was a fun evening, just hanging out with Kev and Suz and our crazy dogs.

Monday morning I awoke to the heavenly aroma of bacon frying downstairs. Yes we polished off the entire plate in record time. Suz managed to incorrectly disinfect her contact lens which resulted in some nasty retinal burn. She didn’t bring glasses so K&S left pretty quickly afterwards. Ho-hum. We will see them next weekend at their going away party then who knows after that…

Beautiful bacon

Beautiful bacon

After lazing around most of the morning we really needed to get outside and do something. We drove over to Palgrave Forest for a walk, and walk we did. I think we must have dragged the dog around the trails for close to 2 hours. It was long enough to kick my ass anyway. We always seem to not bring any water on the days we spontaneously decide we’ll have a long walk. *eyeroll* The evening was spent on the couch recovering. We settled on watching Margin Call. Hmmpt. We usually want to watch something light the night before we return to work but yesterday was an exception. The movie was about the collapse of a Stock Brokerage firm. It started off pretty slow, but as the plot unfolded it became increasingly entertaining. The acting and cast was exceptional. The film followed the process of the collapse from all the POV of all big wigs in the firm. I found the personalities, moral decisions and ethical dilemmas of the characters to be the highlight of the film. With billions of dollars at stake, jobs, careers, futures… the motives of the characters was fascinating to watch. I could imagine the scenario really happening, it was pretty thought provoking and ultimately a solid film. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I also snuck in the last episode of Walking Dead which I missed Sunday night. It is looking like a confrontation is heating up between the top boys. I could certainly use another day or two to be added to my long weekend. Bah.

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