...a place to bury thoughts

...and back to Mint

December 24, 2022 @ 07:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Linux, Geeky, keepass, 1899, Lastpass

Minty fresh again

Minty fresh again

Yes, I gave up on Pop!OS. The environment is just too restrictive and simple. Too Mac-y. I just don’t like the over simplification of Gnome. I like my applets and crap in my panels. *shrug* I read they are working on adding more functionality to their environment so maybe I’ll go back one day.

Mint (Cinnamon) was installed without any issues. So far everything just works. My only issue (and I think it is simply related to the monitor) is one of the monitors has a ‘flicker’ with the nvidia card. I think it may simply be the refresh rate was set at 60 and it is a 144 capable ‘gaming’ monitor. WE SHALL SEE… Otherwise Mint is Mint. It has all the nice to have features like the easy backup and update, Nvidia drivers built in, app store. *shrug* It isn’t Windows.

Big Z. in Congress

Big Z. in Congress

So, this happened… Zelensky went to Washington, met with Biden and Congress and came home with more support for the ongoing war against the Terrorist state R*ssia. Biden said he would see the war to the end but who knows what the future would bring… But clearly, the civilians could use as much support from the World as is possible. As the terrorists are attacking civilian infrastructure more than military targets because that is what you do when you are losing, desperate and have no morals whatsoever.

Burned through 1899 from Netflix pretty quickly. Those Germans sure make some weird time and state-related dramas (it was a lot like Dark). It was good. Weird. ⭐⭐⭐¼

In light of all the data breaches at Lastpass *phew* – I’m slowly weaning myself off it. I’m switching to a self-hosted KeePass option instead. Oh well, it had a good run but I can’t risk my data there any longer.

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