...a place to bury thoughts

Argentina v. France

December 18, 2022 @ 11:12 pm πŸ”— Post Link

World Cup 2022

Argentina v. France

Argentina v. France

Yes, I was cheering for France. I was rather indifferent to who won the game actually. (I do find it hard to cheer for a nation that harboured N*zis and is a possible destination for P*t*n… I don’t know understand why a nation would protect mass murderers?) But anyway, I do like Messi, he is obviously an incredible talent. It was a really entertaining game. Each team owned a half and nothing was settled in extra time. I do think penalties (in any sport) is a cop-out way to settle a TEAM sport. But anyway, congrats to Argentina I guess.

You excited man?

You excited man?

So many sandwiches to choose from

So many sandwiches to choose from

We had a nice day in Orangeville running some errands followed by a lovely lunch at [Pia’s On Broadway](http://piasonbroadway.com/). I got the last glorious serving of pulled pork! Since we were dogless we even spent some time browsing a bookstore. Jez, when was the last time we did that?

reddit is deadit

reddit is deadit

Sadly reddit soccer got shut down. Of course, the clowns did it during the World Cup Final game. *eyeroll*

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