...a place to bury thoughts


October 26, 2018 @ 10:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Bill and Anita, Humber College

The colours at the cottage

The colours at the cottage

I spent the last weekend with a few guys at Bill’s cottage, It was a typical boyz weekend. Poor behaviour, shoddy eating, booze and bucket loads of shenanigans. I met some new guys Jeff and JD. I quite enjoyed talking music with JD. He was really down to Earth and fun to hang with. It was a fun weekend. I was disappointed to miss hockey however.

School is marching along. I’m done my first composite website and have presented it to the class. I felt my site was one of the better ones in the class. I’m awaiting my marks.

Sabres are a few games ABOVE .500! Holy crap!

We are heading up to Killaloe tomorrow to visit bdot’s parents.

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