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August 8, 2014 @ 06:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

Friends, GTA, music, Boris, Lee’s Palace, OneLove, SubRosa

The only photo I got. And its fracking crap. SIGH.

The only photo I got. And its fracking crap. SIGH.

Concerts on a school night sure are getting tough for me. For some bands I’m willing to go to work on 4 hours sleep. Zzzz… But that list is getting really short. One band on the list is Boris. I joined two of my former co-workers, who I refer to as my concert buddies, last night in Toronto for Boris, SubRosa and Atlas Moth. Getting into Toronto wasn’t that bad. I GPSed it and it took me down all sorts of odd roads but it was ultimately a decent route. I met up with Raj and we walked over to OneLove where we agreed we’d have dinner. It is all vegetarian. Which is fine. I got a chickpea/potato roti. I gotta say, it was a little disappointing. I found it dry and bland. Certainly not near the calibre of roti I’ve had in the past. But after waiting a bit for Rich we were all really hungry and made short work of them. We still had time to kill so we grabbed a coffee and cookie. Coffee Toffee Chocolate Chip um…. yes please. After a pit stop we ventured over to Lee’s Palace.

When we arrived there was already a line-up. I overheard someone who past by the line say, “What are they lined up for, free drugs?” I guess we were an impressive lot. *smirk* Before the show started we hit the swag tables. I was impressed with the new Boris Noise tee, so I grabbed it. There were also Boris earplugs available… heh. I was a little surprised that SubRosa opened… I think they only played three songs. That said the songs were each song was around 10m. I was pretty impressed by SubRosa… their slow builds then the massive payoffs… the vocal harmonies worked well and the slight Rebecca Vernon sounded better live than I was expecting. It is a shame they played such a short set. You know you are still making your way as a band when you have to haul your amp off the stage. Next up was Atlas Moth. Oh Atlas Moth… What a confusing, occasionally tedious sound. Neither vocalist impressed and their music seemed to be competing between genres in every song. For every moment I started to dig them they would change the next moment into something I didn’t. They need to pick one singer, lose the bad 70s Fender guitar sound and get steal Takeshi’s pedal setup for week. I don’t want to hate on them too hard. They had a good attitude and put on a decent show… I just think they need to refine the direction of their sound because their current one isn’t working. I think the crowd’s polite response to them was evidence of this. People were there to see Boris. And Boris did not disappoint. By the time they took the stage Lee’s was crammed like sardines and it was really warm within the venue. Gah… I was eager to grab some photos, since the last time I saw them I had my old phone with its crappy camera. Go to take a photo and …LOW BATTERY WARNING! OMG! Siiiiiiiiiiigh. And let me say now… at the end of the show Atsuo was having fun. He was on top of his kit urging the metal salute, with the smoke machine on full, lights creating an eerie glow… the entire floor had arms in the air… the image was epic AND I MISSED IT. Boris killed of course. Playing fast, slow, doomy, poppy… always awesome. Unlike the last Boris gig, there was several mosh pits. Atsuo did some stage diving. Crowd was calling out ‘Wata’ all show long… Incredible stuff. Unfortunately being past 40… standing for 3hrs becomes really uncomfortable… Next time I’m lining early to get a chair… I could barely walk my ass out of the venue.

Got home after 1 A.M.. At work now and I’m exhausted. Worth it. \m/~

Thanks for the D mug bdot.

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