Which brick will it be?
It looks like we are going to push forward with at least some part of the backyard reno this Fall. The main section we hope to address is the dilapidated back patio. It is structurally falling apart, full of weeds and doesn’t match the plan for the backyard. So we need to pick a new brick for the patio. The brick used on the house is orange and gray. The house is board and batten with the wood painted a warm medium gray which you can see in the photo above. We don’t want to emphasis the orange in the existing house brick so we are clearly going with a gray brick in the patio. Saturday we stopped by Unilock in Georgetown and picked up a bunch of sample bricks. It was pretty useful to see the bricks laid out in their display area outside. Unfortunately the specific brick colours we wanted to see weren’t on display… Unilock is in the process of expanding their display area. So, we need to pick. (Looks at the wife OCDing over choice…. *frowns*)
Since it looked like rain Saturday afternoon, we decided to deal with a few errands. But not before food! We stopped for a yummy breakfast at Flips. Some time ago bdot lost one of the small gems in her ring and we’ve been wanting to get a replacement. We took the ring to our jeweler in Orangeville. He is looking into getting a new Tanzanite stone – we should hear back within a week or two. This has been on the todo list a long time. We also browsed Dragonfly Arts, Bdot found a necklace with lovely glass beads. It is pretty easy to fall in love with the pottery, metal work and paintings on display there. It did start to rain… pour even. We warmed up with a coffee at Starbucks then bought all of the beer and wine at the LCBO. *cough* Bdot made an amazing Ginger Carrot soup for dinner once we got home. Yum! I watched the FIFA U20 Women’s team play Germany… it was a solid effort but Germany capitalized on their key opportunities and Canada did not. The team showed a lot of heart and competed until the final whistle. I wish I could say the same for TFC… I guess it would be easy to blame the loss on two marginal PK goals… but the team looked disinterested and sluggish compared to KC. Sigh. At least Tottenham won. The Blue Jays are following the Toronto tradition of falling out of contention in the last half of the season. Yaye.
Since Lost ended we’ve been searching for new series to watch. (Thanks for the suggestions on Facebook!) We’ve settled on The Killing. We have watched about four episodes. Wow… the acting is impressive and very moving. The story is about the mysterious death of a high school student in Seattle. It follows various storylines connected to the student, her parents, her friends, her teacher, the police, the politician who’s car the body was found it… So far it is pretty engaging. It is shot with a lot of gray tones and exaggerated darkness… it feels really gloomy and oppressive. Solid blanket TV for October it seems. I’m not sure where the story is going so far…
I’ve also been watching a few other series. The Strain (Not bad… on par with True Blood so far… the old man is pretty awesome), Hell on Wheels (Curious series. Decent but not exceptional) and True Detective (Really strange characters, unfolding pretty slowly… hoping it holds my interest…). Bdot started watching Damages and seems to have been sucked into it pretty deeply.
I got in a bit of gaming this weekend playing Divinity:OS almost exclusively. I finally made some progress in the main questline. I released the Snow White, killed King Boreas (a slugfest) and the two demons in the Immaculates’ Cathedral. They kicked my ass a few times so I tried a new strategy. I took one character along the edge of the map so I could just see the annoying Marksmen. Charmed him then and let the demons rip him apart. I did this to both Marksmen. It made a huge difference. When I finally faced the demons I could focus on them alone and not worry about the marksmen chipping my HP down… It was still tough but I got past it. Now to figure out the basement library…. Hmmpt.
Sunday was pretty much just housework. We are off in a week to Round Lake so we wanted the house cleaned up before we went. Pretty tiring day… sure feel tired this morning.