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May 14, 2022 @ 06:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Ball Hockey, Ukraine, Guns

Heads up!

Heads up!

Not sure why, but prior to Ball Hockey night my legs were already feeling a bit stiff… the morning after, now they are screaming. Ugh, ageing sucks. Climbing stairs is noticeably uncomfortable. I didn’t ride this week… I wonder if there is a correlation. I’m guessing the rides serve to limber up the legs prior to running around in the gym. It was a fun night despite losing both games. We were missing some key players but were still largely competitive. Nothing is getting done today.

Game sevens everywhere! I guess the parity in the NHL is really surfacing in the playoffs. Pretty exciting. So much pressure on the Loafs tonight. I think (hope) they buckle.

Also IIHF Worlds has started. Canada won their first game v, Germany. I think we play Italy tonight. So many great sporting options to watch today.

Bdot is at a dog trial today.

God bless Ibuprofen.

Wow, Russians really getting it handed to themselves. Maybe you should go home. It seems Finland and Sweden will be joining NATO. Boy does P*tin ever look like an incompetent fool. Accomplishing the exact opposite of what his deranged mind was trying to. Hopefully, that conflict ends soon, although, I do fear the more Russia gets stomped, the more desperate P*tin will become. And, sadly, that is not good for anyone…


Canada plays Italy tomorrow. Canes up 3-1 ATM on the BEES.

Just read about the shooting in Buffalo. What a tragic day for the city. More senseless gun violence. Sad.

Yikes. Beau said the U.S. Army (which used the AR-15 and thus spawned its popularity amongst civilian gun owners) is changing their default gun to one much more powerful than the AR. So it would be expected that the same copycat process will happen with this gun. So that is really disturbing. It is especially scary when Beau says ‘it’s going to get bad‘ – because I believe he knows what he is talking about. *sigh* Huh, a background check was done on the murderer prior to him buying guns and it turned up nothing. He had a history of espousing hate and even threatened to shoot up his school. But nothing came back? Wow.


Leafs are out! 😀 Next year, next year for sure!



Oilers to Round Two! Oettinger was incredible. Bring on the battle of Alberta! And the battle of Florida!

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