...a place to bury thoughts

Killaloe Christmas 2022

December 13, 2022 @ 11:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Christmas, World Cup 2022, Science, Dragon Age: Absolution, Nuclear Fusion

how much longer?!

how much longer?!

Last weekend we drove up to Killaloe to visit my Mother in Law for Christmas. It was the first time we had been apart from our cats for an evening. It was a bit weird. We stayed at Dr.J’s place in Barry’s Bay. Wow, sometimes that drive feels like it will never end. We stopped at Weber’s in Orillia which was pretty unremarkable. The burgers we fairly standard and the fries were way over-salted. Why is this place so popular? Friday night was fun. We had a few drinks and a long sauna by the lake. We discovered Kraken rum and A&W is a good thing. Dr.J is always a gracious and generous host. Snugoo played and climbed all over her dog Parker. Her daughter’s cat Dexter was always around, usually on my lap. I would consider adopting him, he is a really affectionate and responsive cat. Unlike ours.

Saturday we had a delicious steak and eggs breakfast then drove over to Killaloe. It was a pretty quiet afternoon. We saw the um, KIllaloe Christmas parade. When we left Caledon it was hovering around 0, and Killaloe was much colder. I didn’t even think to bring mitts and a hat – which is unfortunate because the parade was really cold. It was a blur of trucks from local businesses and floats decorated for the season. They have a fun tradition of chucking candy at kids as they pass. Snugoo was unimpressed with the dinosaur costume, she was pissed off because she knows they should be extinct. The Irish coffees certainly helped. They always do. For dinner, we thankfully went out to a local hotel the Sands on Golden Lake. We nearly all had Fish and Chips – which was decent. I was stuffed. Sam wasn’t and took over the role of plate clearing typically held by Medium R.. The restaurant was pretty empty so it had a bit of a Shining vibe. Their CO2 wasn’t full or something because my beer was really flat. Bleck.

I will destroy you T-Rex!

I will destroy you T-Rex!

Dr.P. was out of town visiting family. She generously let us stay at her place anyway. So we became cat and dog sitters for a night. We left before she got home. It was pretty sad watching Parker as we left. The mystery of the missing Costco receipt was solved when we got home. Bdot found it in our laundry room. *shrug* The drive home seemed especially long stuck behind a white truck mostly doing the speed limit. Ugh...

Poor boy.

Poor boy.

The cats seemed pretty indifferent to us getting home. Not really the joyous reunion I was expecting. Suki was even in full karate mode. *shrug* It took a while for her to remember who we were? Did she actually forget us? Hmm. The boy will flop and expect scratches from anyone it seems.

Level 20 Assassin

Level 20 Assassin

Blew through the Netflix animated series Dragon Age: Absolution. The episodes are quite short. I really enjoyed it. Better than most animated series I’ve watched so far on Netflix. Hoping there will be more seasons. The gay romance seems a little gimmicky and predictable but whatever. I liked the characters, story and animation was pretty solid. ⭐⭐⭐¾ I don’t get the one star bombing on IMDB – I didn’t think Republican’s watched Anime.


Wow! Possible world-changing discovery with Nuclear fusion! This is something that will likely take decades before it could be mass-produced. It has been decades already to get to this new discovery.


It is looking like an Argentina vs. either France or Morocco final. Messi just destroyed Croatia today.

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