...a place to bury thoughts

Party against Humanity

January 28, 2015 @ 11:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Food, Friends, Cards Against Humanity

Dining room before the guests arrive

Dining room before the guests arrive

Saturday evening we had four couples over for dinner and some games. A good chunk of Thursday and Friday was spent house cleaning. Vacuuming, mopping the floors, dusting, various food/booze runs, bdot got the hot tub readyโ€ฆ Things were set. Saturday nightโ€™s dinner was Thai. Bdot made spring rolls and Pad Thai (enough for a small army) and I picked up a few dishes from Bolton Thai Cuisine. (Sadly now closed. Oct/2023) It was pretty busy there. I usually find it is empty soโ€ฆ that was good to see. They missed part of my order so I waited a few extra minutes for them to get it ready. It was a steady steam of people in and out for take-out. There arenโ€™t many good take out options in Bolton, so it is nice to see them busy. When I left to pick up the food the house was empty, by the time I returned nearly everyone has arrived. So the quiet house was suddenly loud. I guess there was different levels of enjoyment of the Thai. Not everyone is adventurous with food. MikeMike brought Swiss Chalet take out. *smirk* It was still nice that we could all eat together, regardless of what each couple preferred to eat. I enjoyed the Thai. Although Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™d do it again for this crowd. I think something BBQed or a roast would have been easily and more palatable for some. *shrug* We donโ€™t get together that often as couples so it was a unique and interesting evening with KK, Captian, Joe, MikeMike and their wives. We managed to fit 10 people in our kitchen/dining room for dinner. Everyone was invited and encouraged to stay the night but only Captain and his wife did. So after dinner everyone was eager to get to the gaming. Bdot decided to try Cards Against Humanity with this group. It is a a game for horrible people. Indeed. It pushes all the buttons for sure. But wowโ€ฆ I donโ€™t remember when Iโ€™ve ever laughed so hard in my life. Everyone seemed to enjoy the game a lot. Watching people squirm as that read out their answers was hilarious. Lots of drinks, food, laughterโ€ฆ I thought it was a great night. We didnโ€™t crash until after 3AM.

Needless to say Sunday morning was a slow, foggy punishment for the night before. The brain was craving carbs. So bdot bravely trekked over to The Fryโ€™s the Limit [note: website has annoying unmutable sound - business also now closed (Oct/2023)] for a Canadian classic: poutine.

Oh yes! Bacon poutine!

Oh yes! Bacon poutine!

It was delicious going downโ€ฆ but gahโ€ฆ when mixed with my unsettled stomach, it only made my stomach more upset. After lunch Captain and Jenn headed back to St.Catharines. We headed to the couch and resumed our Season 3 Mad Men Marathon. It was a pretty awesome weekend. It was great to see our friends and catch up and have some laughs.

Adult table runner

Adult table runner

The table runner I got from my SiL for Christmas was a big hit. Everyone loves crayons. ๐Ÿ™‚

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