...a place to bury thoughts

* With Honours

June 19, 2014 @ 10:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, movies, beer, chaopaya, Sibling, The Invisible War

Graduation hall at Georgian

Graduation hall at Georgian

My parents came up for dinner Tuesday night. We are all going to my sister’s graduation, so it made things easier on everyone to leave together. I BBQed some steaks with potatoes, caramelized onions and bdot made a broccoli salad. A bit of belated Father’s Day dinner. It was a nice evening relaxing in the Great Room.

I had a rare day off yesterday to see my sister’s graduation ceremony. It was held at Georgian campus in Barrie. I guess it has been awhile since I’ve walked around a post-secondary institution… I was quite impressed with the facilities. Modern, clean, bright…more like home, less like a school. Also spotted a nice looking pub. We got there pretty early, so we all got seats, which is good, because it seemed to be a fairly long ceremony. Sure they kept cranking out the names but it still took awhile… then speeches. That said, it was great to see her graduate, with honours. Only 1/4 of the class got honours. So… well done sibling. After taking a few photos we made a bee line for lunch.

We were all starving by this time. Lunch was downtown Barrie at Chaopaya. We’ve eaten there before… this time with the parents. The food sure disappeared quickly. Pad Thai, Cashew Chicken, Tamarind Shrimp, Crab Fried Rice (:P Dad) and a local microbrew, Antigravity Lite Ale (from Flying Monkeys Brewery) to wash it down. Yum. We all ate our fill of the delicious Thai food. It was a fun afternoon with family.

Lots of glasses have a ‘fill line’ but this one has the more important ‘reorder line’. 🙂

Lots of glasses have a ‘fill line’ but this one has the more important ‘reorder line’. 🙂

Watched the profoundly disturbing film The Invisible War on Netflix last night. The film was a documentary on the institutionally acceptable culture of rape that exists in the U.S. Armed Forces. It was both shocking and sad to see the stats and number of rape cases that have been swept under the rug or worse turned on their victims. It was really sickening. The end of the film posted a quote from a court case put forward by a few victims. The Courts ruled: “rape is an “occupational hazard” of serving in the military“. WHAT? …and still nothing has been done. Who is in control of the military? Sure doesn’t seem like the government is. An incredibly gut-wrenching story. Hopefully it begins a change in attitude for the smug, arrogant, testosterone laden leaders of the U.S. Armed forces. Canada is not exempt either… I’ve heard this frat boy mentality is in the RCMP too. ⭐⭐⭐½

Ha. Sabres finally axed Leino. Worse bust I can remember… Is that on Pegula?

The Vibe misery continues. I dropped the car off Tuesday night so they could work on it Wednesday… (I was expecting it was going to fully ready Thursday) They were suppose to fix the AC and hood latch. AC is cool, calm and collected. However the hood is not. The mechanics tried a bunch of combos of used latches but none of them worked. Soo… two more days of dubious driving with the hood in a broken state. They will try again to fix it on Saturday. Meh. It is bungied down but… it is still unsettling. The ‘what if’ never leaves my mind.

Steam Sale! And the site is down. *Shocking*

Steam Sale! And the site is down. *Shocking*

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